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help with milkshape


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this is sorta off topic, but still related to modeling. i downloaded the plugins for the bf1942 importer and exporter, but when i try to import the file, nothing comes up, but when i close milkshape or make a new file, it asks if i wanna save. does anyone have a solution?


i might make some ww2 models for jk2 though, incase anyone is making a mod.

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Well sometimes the Milkshape plug-ins don't work. I can't import NOLF models for some reason but I suggest just foget about it. As for the "File has been modified. Do you want to save?" I get that when I import .glm models (SOFII, JKII ect.) so that's normal. Just e-mail or post a thread at milkshape's 3d website. They'll help. Bye

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MS also used to ask to save a native MS3D file upon exit even if you started a new file and did absolutely nothing with it. As for the plug-in, you should ask if anyone else is having that problem in the Milkshape forums, and maybe contact the author of that particular plug-in. There may even already be an answer waiting for you in the forums if you look hard enough.

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