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How do you make objectives and add music?


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It's best to go with dynamic music because it goes with the flow of the action. Here's how to do it, extract dms.dat from assets0.pk3. Open it up with notepad. Scroll down near the bottom and it'll be self explanatory how to do it. If for some reason you don't catch on here's 2 examples




explore ImpBaseE_explore

action ImpBaseE_action







uses kejim_base



Save it and make sure it's in a folder called ext_data in your base folder.


For objectives, you have to do some scripting. Extract objectives.sp from assets2.pk3. With objectives you have to rewrite the existing ones. Here's an example




TEXT_LANGUAGE1 "Investigate the abandoned Imperial outpost."



changed to




TEXT_LANGUAGE1 "Kill anyone in sight".



The reason why you have to use the existing refrences is because with BehavED you can only chose the objectives from the original maps in the game. The objectives are manipulated through scripts with Hide, show,succeeded and failed commands.


//Generated by BehavEd


rem ( "comment" );


affect ( "kyle", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )




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go into your map, select any brush (NOT an entity), and hit n, then add the "music" key, with the value "music\<musicfilenamehere>" (without the quotes). You can see the music filenames simply by opening assets0.pk3 in winzip or whatever and sampling them..

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