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oh by the way...


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You greatly exaggerate the amount of time it took to obtain a game. Usually we just plundered a scenario game :atat:


At least the zone doesn't take away the opportunity of just playing for fun by making every game count towards a record, and being so unreliable as to have that record screwed up by idiots with their Kmart PC's freezing a game. A game freezes so I leave after waiting about 10 minutes and it counts as a LOSS????!!!??? WTF!!!!


And blue on blue. Whoever it was at ESO that decided blue text on blue background was a good idea ought to be tarred and feathered. I can see it fine on my LCD but there are many less fortunate people with CRT's who have difficulty seeing such a slight difference in color. Honestly, why is it that anyone you ask will say blue on blue is a bad idea, but ES seems to think otherwise?

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Originally posted by AlliedCommander

According to an above statement, all those without the excessive money to buy a computer good enough to never cause a game to lag or buy a computer at K-mart must have the mental capability of a three-year old and are screwed up.


No, according to that statement if I host a game and say "no sh!t comps" and someone with a slow computer comes in they are just being a moron. Let the people with slow computers play MP games with each other, or in games with a more patient host. Then none of them can say they are being lagged by others.


I am not patient and I hate lag. I hate 56k disconnecting. That is why, when I host a game, I say "No 56k, no sh!t comps!" No euphemisms, just telling it how it is. Yet it is futile, because I still end up playing against people with AOL dialup, Pentium 2-3's, etc (sorry Sith). For an AoM MP, a P2 is SLOW. I'm not trying to be mean to anyone, just stating the facts.


Personally, I don't care what kind of computer/connection someone else has. I do not put people down for not having fast computers. Whether they have a 2.8G + Radeon 9700 or a Celeron Acer is none of my business, UNTIL THEY JOIN ONE OF MY GAMES. Then it becomes my business because if they have a slower computer guess who lags? Both them and ME. And I do not deserve to have lag brought upon me by others. Being lagged by others ruins my gaming experience about as much as people locking themselves in RM rooms ruins your gaming experience.


FYI pbguy, I have an online company, and if I wanted to spend my money foolishly I could have bought a computer myself. But my parents were buying a new family computer anyway. Besides, why should I buy my family a computer, I'm only 15 and I'm not the chief moneymaker of the family!


well, i plunked out $1500 for my puter...

i also pay for my cable modem access...

Wow, you do?!? Congratulations! You are probably a bit older than 15 though.



Btw, the "less fortunate CRT" comment was SARCASTIC. Blue on blue is a dumb@$$ idea, regardless of the kind of monitor one has. In fact, if I had known that LCD's have such high response delays, I would have gotten my parents to substitute in a 22" CRT and paid the difference.


My parents are not the aristocrats you seem to think they are, and I am not spoiled in riches. They are normal middle-class people. My mom is a medical technician and my dad owns a small company. Other than a birthday present or two and "santa-claus presents", they don't buy me much extra stuff. Food. Clothes. A roof over my head. This computer. My mom has already made it clear that if I want anything better than a Celeron *shudder* then I have to buy my own computer for college. And this is the ONLY good computer that I have ever had, and as I didn't buy it I must share it. Which is fine with me.


And if I want to upgrade above this 550/85 ADSL from Veri$on then I will be paying for the difference in cost myself. As 85 upstream sucks for FPS games (despite what I said earlier regarding DSL - the phone lines in my town just suck) I will probably be paying for 1500/800 cable if a company other than the infamous-600/80-down-half-the-time-Comcast ever starts serving my neighborhood.



His parents bought it for him


Don't be a ****ing tard. Your parents bought your computer too, and they are buying your RAM upgrade as well. They also bought your 22" CRT that you incessantly boast about on the phone. And it is YOURS, so who's more spoiled? Also, your parents buy you a lot more stuff than mine buy me. I buy all my games, everything. Like I said, I took the initiative to start a company, and don't rely on my parents for nearly as much as you do. Immature hypocrite. I can just hear you giggling gleefully as you try to get pbguy to launch into a lecture about having stuff spoon-fed to me, while you don't buy ANYTHING yourself.

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ESO > Zone


I can play on AoM wih routers & firewalls. The blue on blue is silly. The ratings/ladder owns. The Friends list sucks. The stats is amazing.


AoM you can get a game with someone your own skill in a minute. Unlike SWGB where it was 15 mins and then 10 mins before the game actually started.


Simwiz what company do you own? Don't have to say if you don't want 2 just wondering.


KOL_Andy on ESO

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I agree with a lot of what you say, simwiz. Also, a lot of people jump others who they think are rich. Can't say I wouldn't be a little jealous of a person like that.

Since I am extremely conservitive with my modest savings, I haven't botten a non-food item since May, when I bought CC (totally serious).

It's like the only thing that interests me in today's mostly junk market is battleground products.

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