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Cairn reactor is killing me


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Mother of God, is this torture or what? I'm trying to get to other side of the big room with that floating platform which gets shot down pretty soon and I don't get even close. I've tried to ride it as fas as possible and then jump of it and then keep jumping to get to other side, but my Force Jump always wears out in the middle and then it's goodbye, cruel world. I managed to snipe out the Stormtroopers on the lower platform but the ones at the top with the other missile launcher always get me. Is there some simple trick I've failed to notice in all the excitement/utter frustration (=can't see forest for the trees) or is this really about how good are you in quick sniping and jumping as fast as you can? And here I was, thingkin after beating JK and MotS in Hard without saving and handling AvP GE in a similar fashion so-so, that this (JK2) should be a nice entertaining game after AvP. How wrong was I, you tell me:mad:

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Well, thanks a bunch for your reply, even though it got me a bit late (not your fault, or anything). I thought I'd give it a one more shot before throwing the computer out of the window. So there was I, jumping like a madman when all of sudden the missiles stopped coming in. I took a careful looksee and of course the sadist started firing again. In panic I accidentally hit the Force Push sending the missile right back at him, after which the following missiles hit that overhanging platform kind of thingy. So, I did what you also recommended, sniped the badguy, although somehow the last missile still got through and almost took me out. Whew. This part definitely dropped the replay value in my part a bit:p But seriously mate, thanks for your answer anyway.

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Yes, I did know about the blocking with the saber but I guess JK and MotS are still playing somewhere in the back of my head, because I played them using force powers as little as possible ( almost totally with Jump and Speed when needed and Absorb when it was a definitive must) and using the saber as much as possible. So, every now and then in a tight spot I suddenly remember the availability of the force powers, heh. They sure do make the game a whole lotta easier, don't they:D

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Yea, you'll NEED to force (almost all of them) in certain situations... when you get a bit further, you'll start running into groups of stormies... two rocketers... like 4 packing heavy repeaters and another four packing Felletche guns... then you'll HAVE to utilize pull, push, and speed :) (and perhaps lightning *giggles* )

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Yeah, I found out that fun , too. It's always in situations where you're being totally overwhelmed by the enemy and would much like to have a one-on-one with the designers for putting you through all the hassle that I get this "Hey! I could just throw these guys down and then chop them up. Right. Back to work'' kinda 'idea'. Now I'm being pummeled to mental institution by Fyaar, especially since I quicksaved in a definitely wrong place :eek: I guess I'll just have to go back a littlebit and play some parts again and try with better luck next time. the tips on this page should help me get through. In fact, it was at this part where my brother gave up the game totally and his much better gamer than I am, so I guess I'll have some bragging to do later on (while pretending I figured it out by myself):D

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heh, lemme save you some time... highlight this area with your mouse to see how to defeat Fyyar



First, what you need to do, is attack that shield around him, and only that... don't get too close, or it throws you back... after doing sufficient dmg, it will drop. That's your chance. Beat the snot out of Fyyar. Becareful, he can use those arms and punch you, sending you flying backwards, so don't get too close. Repeat this process over and over


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Yuppity yup, worked like a charm. I decided to try the strategy of using the Repeater's secondary fire to bring the shield down and then take out the 'antenna', then switching to saber and let him have it. On second attempt it took about 20 seconds to send Fyaar to the Garden of Eternal Bliss or somewhere bit hotter:) It seemed to be a some sort of climax of the game, since after it everything feeled quite a bit easier. Haven't dealt with Desann yet, but I understand he belongs to lightweight series in comparison to Fyaar. Looking forward to teach him some manners;)

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