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Help with Artus_Topside on Jedi Knight skill level


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I played through the whole SP game about a month ago on the normal skill level and I didn't have a problem with this map.

But now that I'm on the Jedi Knight skill level it seems impossible.

It seems like I have to kill all of the troopers in about 45 seconds in order to not get the "too many prisoners have been killed" message. And every time I try using the emplaced gun I always get hit too many times so that it uses up all of the gun's power, and then I have no way left to kill the AT-ST that comes out and kills the prisoners.


Please help.


And please don't tell me to use cheats, because you shouldn't have to use cheats on any skill level to win it.



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now i posted a solution to this in a thread here long ago, cant quite remember, and cant be bothered looking for it, so heres my best recollection.


firstly, the people up topp don't start dying until you actually go up top, so stay down for a while.


the at-st on the bottom is a problem, but heres what to do.


run towards the at-st, at the far hangar door, avoiding the fire of the stormtroopers by strafing as best you can, now, when the at-st comes after you, run back to the lift, but hug the right wall, this way the at-st will get caught on the wall at one point (hopefully).


now try taking out the stormtroopers with normal guns, or be sparing/accurate with the mounted gun. then you can destroy the at-st with all remaining ammo. then proceed as normal.



hope this helped, if not try looking up the other thread, which has the original answer.

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Thanks Bilbo.


That was the trick that I didn't get quite right before ... hugging the right wall. I had gotten the AT-ST stuck a couple times on a corner, but he could still shoot me from there when I was using the big gun.


I really hate puzzles that are really illogical like this one.

I mean, why in the world would you think that the prisoners won't start dying until you use the elevator! And then, you have to get the ST stuck on a wall?! Give me a break. As far as I'm concerned, that's just an indication of bad bot programming. After all, when you run in the other direction, the thing knows exactly how to find you and kill you, so why would it be any different in the other direction?


But ... it's still a very good game. :p

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