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TTT Running Time

Boba Rhett

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Originally posted by Young David


Frodo's part (book 4) is shorter than in the book. I don't exactly know where they stop it, but I know that shelob is moved to the Return of the King :ball:

I actually think this is a good call on Jackson's part. Return of the King is only half the length of the other books when you consider all the indexes (which probably won't be in the movie). If TTT ended where it did in the books, then RotK would be a relatively short movie in comparison to the first two.


My question is, is how much is cut to make the 2:59 time? Is Jackson going to add another 30 minutes for an extended version of it? While I'd love for it to be complete and final in theatre form, if there is a lot cut out, I hope it is added to the DVD. There is so much new stuff in the Extended LotR that just kicks ass. Heck even little bits lasting only a couple seconds really added a lot to the story. Too bad there's still no Tom Bombadil though; the run to Bree still seems too rushed...



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