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Sound file questions..

Guest Maul's Fury

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Guest Maul's Fury


Okay, guys.. Once again I call upon this wonderous forum to lend their hand to a man desparately trying to weasel his foot into the Star Wars Universe.


I've been watching fan films for Star Wars (Have you guys seen any? Some are cool, most blow chinks) and three friends and I decided we're going to Make our own fan film.


Plot is secret. Can't spill, but I can say it revolves around a cloning chamber, a horned warrior, and a blue skinned admiral stumbling upon said cloning chamber containing afore mentioned horned warrior.


Okay, so the big question herein is:


How do I rip sound files off of my JPB game? Better yet, can any of you pull flawless sounds off of it (I'm furiously working on props, costuming, and set design)? If any can, I'll provide their name in the credits, and most definately mention this board.


Lightsaber, blaster, and most definately Maul's double bladed would be most graciously accepted. Even an explination on how to do said things would be appreciated.


Thanks all..







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The innocent.

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Guest George.Lucas

Your playstation has 2 RCA cables, Hook them up to a tape deck or better yet, Get an adapter to an 1/8 inch phono plug and hook it into your computer and record on any sound program you have... YOU know the name, SithLord GanjaTron... it shall be written in the credits.

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