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How to use scripts after they are written in Console


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I have read most of the pages on how you type the scripts into the console. My question refers to how you execute the use of the scripts. For example, I typed in the script for the whirlwind/spin attack into the console, but the key I used to bind the set scripts does not work. What am I doing wrong? Do I continue to fight normally, and then press the binded key? I am simply trying to learn the art of scripting, even though it's considered "cheating", I'm new to the whole experience and I'm interested in trying out scripts while I'm in multiplayer mode. I cannot understand how the binds relate to the set scripts. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!

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ok, firstly i must say i hate it when people have keys binded to do these vulcanis adminmod moves, which are fun for a while, but are very old now, everyone is doing them, and it is very annoying when some n00b-ass comes in trying to impress everyone with these special moves, which everyone has been doing for months now.


i do realize the appeal of these moves if you have never done them, so i suggest you give them a go, have fun with them and then forget them as they add no element of fun to the game.


anyways to your problem...


make sure the server you are running has vulcanis adminmod installed, or the moves will not work.

then choose a key for the move ie: H


so you would type:


bind H spin


then during the game press H and you will do it.


please do not over-use these moves as it is very annoying for others and you will quickly get a bad name and no one will want to play with you :eek::D


oh these moves are not considerd cheating, scripts which help you win saberlocks or kick the enemy repeatedly are considered cheating. so don't do these. bad.

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I get this problem when extracting files into the game:


couldn't load mpdefault.cfg


Could someone please provide a solution to this problem? Maybe I'm simply doing it wrong.


Even afterwards, is there a command line that I input into the console to execute those files I have extracted into the game?

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Check out the info in the Scripts thread. Just remember that a lot of the scripts in the beginning were made during 1.03 & will not work in 1.04. It's better to create your scripts in wordpad or notepad & save them as a cfg file instead of writing them from the console. Specifics on how to do this are in the Scripts forum. It's long, but there's a lot of useful stuff in there.

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