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Tag Team - Handicap Match


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I was on some server, and there were 4 other ppl in it. All of a sudden they said, GET HIM, and the next thing I know, I am being bomparded with grip/lightning, push, pull, and sabers. All of them using Reborn Skin with wierd Colors that I have not seen before. Me being a lightsider put up my absorb and started fighting back.. they of course killed me quite a few times, but in the end, i won by 4 points..lol it was great.. one point, we were on the platofrm in besping streets and this guy was getting ready to DFA me, and i pushed him right off the side, backstabbed the guy behind me, red stand instakill, and dfa the last killing them all, they of course said cheater but hey... i can live with that, knowing that I am not. it was great, anyone got a story like that?? love to hear it.


Oh forgot to mention the best part... two of the guys were fighting with me.. another one of them ran up onto the platform, and pushed, luckily i had absorb on, (we were all jumping at this point) and wam, his two buddies flew off the side. they started yelling at him.. haha..too funny



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