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Lightsaber Sound Sampling


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My friend and I spent until 1:30 am trying to sample lightsaber SFX from EP1 & 2. Our goal was to try to get the lightsaber SFX in JO to sound more like prequel or trilogy. Right now, I think that the lightsaber SFX in JO sound only like a cello with some tweaking. I dunno if it is just me but they do not sound "lightsaberish"


Next we tried to create the SFX. That failed miserably. So I ask all you out there on your thoughts on how to sample/create movie like lightsaber SFX



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Originally posted by LordSauron

Next we tried to create the SFX. That failed miserably. So I ask all you out there on your thoughts on how to sample/create movie like lightsaber SFX


You posted your question several days ago, so I don't know if you gave up or not. I hate to answer your question with a question, but...


What "Failed miserably"? I can't help you, unless I know what help you need...

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What i used to rip some saber effects was cool edit pro which is a sound editor which allows you to rip sounds from different sources and lets you modify sounds as well. I ripped some sounds from a phantom menace .asf as well as an aotc .avi among other sources. I believe it allows you to rip from dvd sources which is something i wanted to do as the quality is the best it can be but i don't have a dvd rom or the equipment to hook my dvd player to my pc. anyways, you can download cool edit pro from http://www.download.com just do a search for cool edit pro. hope that helps and good luck.

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