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Young David

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And if you all don't stop acting like a kid and keep flaming I'm gonna regret deleting it.


It was nothing personal, but you're making it personal. I said I'm sorry, I deleted it all ... Changes are big I didn't even read it, and if I did I'm not even doing my best to remember.


I have/had no bad intentions, never meant any hostility and meant nothing with it.


Grow up, please

Can we trust that? No.


If someone did that to you.. would you be happy? You even confessed you read 5 of them yourself :mad:.

Then when people get mad at you -which they should be, like our friend STTCT correctly is, you tell them to grow up?! And what's with that "someone did it to me, so I can do it to someone else" attitude more and more people seem to adopt? So if my car is stolen, I can steal your car 'cause "everyone else steal cars?". :mad: What's wrong is still wrong.


"Chances are big you didn't even read it" doesn't count when you've just said otherwise: "I read only 5".


If I was a mod, and I am at another forum, you'd be banned and nailed for that. For now, I'm passing the Eagle Embago Act and placing an embago on you. You're on my list.


PS: If I've got "something up my butt", sorry. I guess you're just so totally lacking emotion that when you see someone be sorry for someone else you think something's wrong with that person :mad:.

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