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Originally posted by OOM-9(2)

pbguy, I can waste 10 jedi easaly. Use H/assult mechs to blast them from afar, then droidekas, troopers and bounty hunters when they get up close.So there!


Not when they're stealth... besides, that's hardly a small or cheap army. The jedi can outrange most... and if you think someone will ONLY send jedi at you you're wrong. first you convert the assault mechs, then the droidekas. you lose.

and if they chose to kill the bounties first, you're really screwed.

jedi masters have 400 regenerating hp remember...

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Personally, I like to turn the Troop Center, then while he's busy taking out the Repeater Troopers I'm churning out, I turn all his turrets. Once the AA defenses are wiped out, in come the bombers!


Once, I was battling my brother, and I sent a fair-sized strike force consisting of 3 AT-ATs, two AT-STs, several repeater troopers (20 at least), two Padawans and a Master to his base. He killed all of it EXCEPT my Sith Master. I turned a worker, and killed/turned anything close enough to destroy it while it was building the Mech Factory. Once I got an AT-AT out, the rest was history.

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That's pretty cool.


And OOM-9, don't under-estimate the power of the Force. My friend stormed my base with something like 20 AT-ATs. I took out more than ten of them with a single master by converting the AT-AT in the middle of the group then when the rest of them auto-attack the turned unit the blast takes out about three others! I lost in the end but that was fun.

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Well, If you get a big number of Jedi, you can be the winner in the game. Once, I created 25 Jedi Knights and sent them to the enemy. But some Sith Masters can beat this story. I sent 2 of them inside a TF base. They killed everything that they spotted. But my main strategy is to create 40 Repeater Troopers and 4 Assault Mechs, put the R. Troopers into the Mechs and go to the enemy. Then, I get outside the Troopers and I send the Assault Mechs behind them. If they attack something, the enemy is starting to send his Troopers against me. But the Repeaters do the trick.

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