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scriptrunner in gtkRadiant


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Does anyone know how I trigger a script in gtkRadiant? There is no "target_scriptrunner" on my context menu (I have version 1.2.10).


I'm a little new to this so apologies if it's an obvious answer. Couldn't find anything by searching other threads.



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You can not use scripts in MP. (OK, you can, if you have the mod. I always forget to mention this. :))


If you go to the Project Settings in the File menu, you can see wich maping mode are you in. By default it is SP mapping but somehow Gtk uses the MP settings, so you have to change it to MP, restart Gtk, change back to SP, restart Gtk. After this you will be able to put target_scriptrunner into your map.

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That's excellent, thanks. It also answers the other question I had (how come there is no 'trigger_once'?). I never would have figured that out. I'm working on a SP map and I wouldn't have had any reason to switch the preferences. Thanks a million for solving this headache for me.



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