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Game keeps locking up!!!


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Ok, I've never had this problem before in this game but for some reason my game will lock up and I'll hear an annoying sound loop. My PC was overclocked so I tuned it down and I still lock up. Here are my system specs:


Pentium 1.7@1.87ghz

ASUS P4T motherboard- latest BIOS and chipset drivers

640MB RDRAM 800mhz

GeForce 3 Ti500 @ 255/545mhz - 40.72 official drivers

Sound Blaster Audigy - latest drivers

Windows XP Pro SP1

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Strange indeed!


i have a audigy platinum ex and yes... disabling the advanced eax does remedy the problem. WHY CANT WE HAVE ADVANCED EAX!!!!!


I find this very strange because it would seem that sometime around the same time that jk2 left creative's front page this problem appeared... ???? does anybody else think someone knows something and they just aren't talking????? i do. strange too is the fact i have had feelings like this before and guess what... i was right then... but am i now?


does anybody care about customer satisfaction anymore???


i sent creative an email about this problem and was told i would recieve a response to the "issue" within "24 hours"... funny thing is i guess my problem is either impossible to solve OR they lost my email went into the same black hole as many other people's emails which i am sure never happens.


but anyways... enough with the ranting...


the problem with the sound loop and the game locking up is something i think everyone with an audigy series card is experiencing. the only solution i have found is mentioned above by the previous post... TURN OFF ADVANCED EAX.

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I have good news and bad news for all of those Audigy users out there...



Pending a few troubleshooting sessions over the past few days, I have come up with a suggestion.


Solution 1.


For those of you out there who still have your original installation CD for your Audigy Series Sound Card, load the driver from that CD. The only downfall to this is you have to go thru the entire installation process again. (Sorry)

--->Driver date is 8/1/2001


Solution 2.


Should you have the driver archived or find it somewhere in cyberspace... Try using the Updated driver from 8/26/2002

This driver may provide a solution to your misery of not being able to use ADVANCED EAX. If you still have problems then the only other suggestion I have is to try Solution 1.



In any case... It would seem the reason we all are having such a problem with JK2 and EAX ADVANCED HD has to do with the driver updates from Creative (heaven forbid their support department should see this).


If anyone else has any suggestions please give us Audigy users some help out here.

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Yes! This is the exact problem I've been looking for, the low music and the constant crashing in multiplayer. I've been playing JK2 up till 1.03 - I stopped soon after 1.03 came out and just got back to it now. I've never had the problem before, and my machine is exactly the same. I think it has something to do with 1.04.


I'm not too sure about the Audigy thing.... I haven't updated my drivers since last time.

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Hi there!


Same problem here! I just updated to the newest drivers from creative's site (wanted to know, if BF1942 runs better) but now JKII locks up in multiplayer. It worked perfectly with my "old" drivers from my installation cd.

So here's my question: You mentioned to disable Advanced EAX... how do I do this? Do you mean disable it in JKII with un-checking the EAX box in the sound settings? Or do you you mean turning down all Hardware Acceleration of the soundcard in the system settings? Or is there a program for the soundcard to disable Advanced EAX?


Please help a padawan ;-)



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