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Looking for clanmatches...


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4Jedi is a UK based TDM clan. We're trying to play a few American clans and yes we realise the pings will be a tad pathetic so we're willing to play one map on an American server and one map on an English one so both teams get a fair chance.


Our website is: http://www.jedi-knight2.co.uk/4j


We usually play no weapons, no force ( except jump / saber attack / saber defend ) and we can play with or without pickups. We can also play without kick if need be. ( This is what most UK clans play btw ).


My email is d33@jedi-knight2.co.uk although the poxy thing is screwing me around atm.


I'm on QuakeNET irc ( irc.quakenet.org / #4Jedi ) and msn ( jdanbury@hotmail.com ).


One last thing, if any clans out there have rather long / unsightly urls then if you leave a message here with your clans url and tag then I can set up an instant forwarder from a url like:






( btw: anyone know who Americas best TDM / Saber only clan is? )

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Greeting D3-,


We do, but our clan play it differently, but first of all, please check out our site at http://www.alderaanknights.com.


We usually invite outside clans to 'act' in our RPing (role-playing game) more often. Any interest?


but from time to time, I would also like to add in different types of game to make it more fun for our members. We have 30 members now (some from US, some from Europe/UK, and even Asia), and most of them active. Our dedicated server can host up to 30 people at once, so we can really have some good blast!


If you are interested to set up some join activity, please contact me at ka_ric@hotmail.com. I am on MSN as well.



Ric D'Sunga

Jedi Knight & Council Member

The Knights of Alderaan

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Greeting Superlen,


are you sure you have posted on the correct site and forum? I did not see your post at all. Can you kindly email me and let's discuss when is the best time to organize some joint-events together?? I am very much like to arrange a saber-dueling invitation, may be sometime on Dec. 7th (Sat.) two weeks from now. Any interest??







Ric D'Sunga

Jedi Knight & Council Member

The Knights of Alderaan

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