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Reserving gametype numbers...


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My as-yet-untitled mod adds a whole new gametype to jk2 (the first of several I hope). I have added this as gametype #9 but when I looked at the public server list, to my surprise I saw another server using my unreleased mod!


Of course, what was really happening was that my mod and the mod on this other server were both using gametype #9 for our own purposes. Now, this may be a problem in future as people running one mod will see lots of servers that look like they support the game type, but who actually dont.


I think the most sensible solution is to setup some sort of global gametype registration (ie, a sticky thread here and elsewhere).


For example, I'll register my mod as using gametype #10


#0 - 8 - Standard basejk game modes.

#9 - The other mod I saw.

#10 - My mod


What does everyone think? Is there a simpler way to manage this problem?



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I have my GAME_VERSION set to a custom value, and it still happens, so that won't solve it unfortunatly. Just to clarify, this is a problem about the gametype, not the game version or name. Suppose my mod creates gametype #9 and you create a mod that also creates gametype #9. Now, a client running my mod will see servers running your mod when they filter the gametype to be the new game type for my mod (the string for gametype #9). They will not be able to connect to the server, as the gametype will be wrong and jk2mp will stop them. It is this "false positive" situation i'm trying to avoid.

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