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Where did the GOOD people from this forum go?!

Guest Adi_Gallia

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Guest Plo Koon

Yeah, Diego is getting on my darker side, and I don't even know him.


Back to the Porkins thing. Even if they were playing and joking, it just added to the board's congestion and pollution. They could have easily gone to the Cantina or another board to have their "fun."






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<font face="BernardMod BT"><font color="green1">Hi Adi, glad ya thought of me smile.gif


Hey Plo. I still peak in from time to time but I share Mace's view of the forum right now. What's all this about porn? Apparently I missed that.




Master Qui-Gon, Jedi Master

Always remember, your focus determines your reality.

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Guest Darth Wart

Master Qui-Gon:


In brief, here's what happened:


This guy, Rho Elite, came on the board and started talking about how, by means of his wizardry with Photoshop, he could spiffy up everybody's sig pics.


So people fell for it. And spiffy them up he did. The pictures were kept on Rho's site but people accessed them in their signatures.


Then without warning he suddenly changed all the pictures to raunchy porno pictures, while keeping the addresses the same.


The effect of this was that a few revered Jedi suddenly were posting porno beneath their pics, and they had no idea what was happening. Meanwhile, Rho was laughing his butt off.


Kurgan got wind of this and banned Rho, then excised all his posts.


I think it was a regrettable incident, but I'd be lying if I told you I wasn't laughing about it from time to time.


On a more sobering note, there is currently some speculation that some of the pictures contained kiddie porn.



There ya go, Quiggy.






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Guest Plo Koon

Kiddie porn? That is just wrong. Who in their right mind would want to look at an 8 year old naked? He must have lost it at that point.


I missed the porn thing and only saw the remnants of it, thanx for telling me what happened on this sadistic forum.




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<font face="BernardMod BT"><font color="green1">Hmmm.


If this wasn't a Star Wars forum that might be funny. I personally don't give a wet noodle about porn, except for the fact there's a lot of kids here. That's bad.


If there really was child pornography involved someone should contact the authorities. That's really serious.


Thanks Wart.




Master Quiggy, Jedi Master

Always remember, your focus determines your reality.


[This message has been edited by Master Qui-Gon (edited May 10, 2000).]

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Guest BigBud

We leave for a wile, and look what happens.


Kiddie porn? What the hell is with these people.






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Guest Adi_Gallia

<font face="Calligraph421 BT"><font color="lightblue">Hey, I'm warning you all now that this is going to be a long post here. Hey nice to see some old faces!HEY PLO,MACE,AND QUI!


Alright, first off I'd like to say I hope I didn't offend anyone with this topic. Don't get me wrong, there are some considerant and nice newbies out there. And I still can't figure out why Rho did that. He sounded like a nice guy. It's people like DarthJustin that annoy me. Oh and Maul Clone, I didn't mean to diss your Sith Order. I think it was an okay idea, kind of.


Okay, any ex-Council members out there want to hang out again?Perhaps on Kanigget's new and improved site?I miss you guys, really I do. I loved coming on this board just to chat or discuss the game. Now I come on here to complain to people that post non-sense. It's annoying. And lately, I've not been on the JPB at all. The Role-Play board is my home, and JPB is just an old home gone bad.


I think we should all get together on the role-play board or something. Or at least on the RD board, which also didn't seem to get used. Hey Plo, you haven't changed a bit! smile.gif, you still got that wisdom in your posts. And Qui-Gon, how could I forget about you? You always had the right thing to say. And Mace, what a relief it is to see you haven't abandoned us for good. And Maul, Sith Lord or whatever your new user name is now, I am glad to see you too, even if we didn't always get along.


Well see you all for now, and Yoda if you're there please respond on this topic!!!May the Force be with you all, always!





Jedi Master Adi Gallia


~...and blast us into oblivion!~

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Guest Plo Koon

I'm also glad to see you too. Just as Mace and Master Qui-Gon, I too have benn checking this place time to time for interesting topics. Although it seemed I wasn't here, I was.


I'm sure your post will offend someone in one way or another, but there is always that one person that has an opinion on everything. I beg of this place to go back to normal, but it just isn't going to happen.




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Guest JediDiego

I just never registered,cause i thaught it just best to lay off,really i didn't feel like registering was neccesary til i thought it was best,don't believe me thats fine.

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Guest Adi_Gallia

<font face="Calligraph421 BT"><font color="lightblue"> Hey, any of you have AOL IM by chance?Or even Yahoo! Messenger?I'd sure like keeping in touch with some of you,especially our long lost friends on this forum. Do you have either one Plo?



AOL IM:IamAdiGallia, KarissaPatters


Yahoo! Messenger:SaraBethKassanra





Jedi Master Adi Gallia


~...and blast us into oblivion!~

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