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damage rate


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Ok the server side command is this:


set g_saberdamagescale "x"


Where x is placeholder for the number of damage increase you want. I use these settings and the work great:


set g_saberdamagescale "1.5"

set g_dismember "100"

set g_saberboxtracesize "-1"

set g_saberdmgvelocityscale "1.5"

set g_saberdmgdelay_idle "150"

set g_saberdmgdelay_wound "0"

set g_saberghoul2collision "0"

set g_sabertracesaberfirst "1"

set _saberalwaysboxtrace "1"


I turn off the ghoul collision so that you cannot be facing forward and block a backstab....thats bs. Plus with the box trace on you have to hit the person just right to do the "kill" shot.


Remember these are server side commands only! Have fun!

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