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Ki-Adi-Mundi is a girl?!!!

Guest Jerec350

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Guest Jerec350

That's right. When I made it to the Theed Palace and he meets up with the Handmaiden he talks but it is Adi-Gallia's voice. THIS SUCKS!!! This was a waste of a hidden character. His Force Powers are Confussion, Saber Throw, and Invisibilty. He is slow, has crappy combos, and when Ultimate Saber is on he loses his ability to block. What is Lucasarts doing? They need to seriously hire some good testers.

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Guest Acid_Rain327

I was right. My predictions about Ki-Adi being nothing but a sham, and a ploy to make more money were right. The game is still s**t, Lucas Arts managed to screw us over again. Only this time, people willing handed over their wallets and better judgement, instead of taking the first version as an omen, or even as a sign to be careful this time.


I'm sorry for you DC owners who have bought JPB for the first time, and are now either stuck with this awful game, or are on your way to Babbages right now. But, I can't say I feel even a bit sorry for those who bought this thing a second time got ripped off yet again, and by the same product.


What did you expect?


The company that stole your money the first time to actually take the time to make the game better, or to sweep the dust under the rug of shiny graphics?


You knew what you were getting into, and now, not only have you lost 50 bucks from the first time, but now the grand total for each of you is one hundred dollars, wasted on this blatant exploitation of your loyalty.


What worries me, is the fact that you knew what Lucas Arts was doing, and regardless, you went along with it blindly. I suggest you take this into consideration in the future, or the world will screw you over and rip you off, left and right.



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Guest Dave Maul

I don't have the DC version, and don't plan to get it in the near future, but I must say that sucks. Especially after all the build-up towards him as a secret character.




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Guest Dave Maul

Whoa...my eyes are seriously screwed up. Looks to me this guy posted twice, then thought to himself, "Third time's a charm" and di it again.




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