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Darth Maul SP Skin


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Hello all:


I have looked through the boards and cannot find the solution to my problem. The problem is this: I want to play Jedi Outcast in the single-player game mode as Darth Maul.


No matter which Darth Maul skin I download, when i start the game, in the initial cutscene Jan and Mon Mothma are talking to an empty chair. I can continue of course, ignite lightsaber in the first level etc, but i am invisible.


I never had any luck just putting the extracted .pk3 files into my gamedata\base folder and then just starting a new game. My skins when i do that are either invisible, or i am the original Kyle skin. But I did download several skins like SP_Anakin, and by extracting the contents into the JediOutcast\gamedata\SP_Anakin folder and running the game off a batch file like this:


jk2sp.exe +set fs_game sp_Anakin


the skin would show up. I did this with several skins i downloaded. But no matter which Darth Maul skin i try, i get the empty seat and invisible Sith. I have tried three Darth Maul skins so far, and each has the same disappointing result. I dunno what i am doing wrong... has anyone been able to play as Darth Maul in SP?


I don't often post like this, because i can normally find the answer to any question i might have from searching the archives of these boards, but in this case i am at a loss. Can anyone help me? Sorry for the N00B post.

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Hi Teleguy:


I did check those readme.txt files that came with them. Without exception, they say just drop the maul.pk3 into gamedata\base. I have never gotten this to work with any skin, but i have gotten several skins to work by putting a subfolder in the gamedata\base directory, and then running the jksp executable with the batch file i desribed above. It just has never worked with any of the Maul skins, strangely enough. I am sure i am missing something very simply, just dunno what it is :)

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OK, for anyone else who is having this problem with skins(especially the Darth Maul ones) in SP, here is what i did:

I used winzip to extract the contents of the .pk3 files i downloaded and found that these Maul skins had a directory structure like Models\player\maul. The JK executable for singleplayer apparently expects to find its files in models\player\kyle. So i renamed the maul folder to kyle, then opened the .skin file in wordpad. It makes many references to files contained in \models\player\maul, so i changed each line to look in \kyle instead. Now Maul shows up.

I guess i was trying to use skins meant for multiplayer...in SP. Although, even the SP_Maul skin shows up invisible or not at all without the above modifications.


Can anyone just drop a .pk3 file into gamedata\base and have it show up in SP? That only worked with one skin out of the dozen or so i downloaded.

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Mr Mojok,

I am having sort of the opposite problem than you. I say "sort of" because neither methods work perfectly, but one doesn't work at all, and that's the one that DID work with you...


See, I downloaded darthmaul_skin2 (which is a multiplayer model) and darthmaul_sp (which makes that model work in SP), and it says to just drop the pk3 files in your base directly. Now, that "sort of" works for me. I look like Maul and everything, except my lightsaber shows up above Maul's right shoulder and stays frozen there while I swing my arms around. Plus, if I try playing like this (which is pointless anyway) the game eventually crashes into windows.


So, I tried using your method and extracted all the files. I have them in gamedata/base/models/players/kyle (is that correct?). I even rewrote all the paths in that .skin file (which was not the funnest part). But this didn't work at all, I just looked like Kyle. Dropping the pk3 files in my base directory works better than your extracting method for me, but neither works perfectly :(

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Originally posted by skunk

I look like Maul and everything, except my lightsaber shows up above Maul's right shoulder and stays frozen there while I swing my arms around.

You have to either start a new game or load the level you're at with the

map mapname cheat , e.g.

map kejim_post .


Map list



























pit ---------------------HIDDEN!

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Yeah, teleguy has it.

What you said about models\player\kyle, and changing the paths in the .skin file is exactly what i did(and i know it is tedious).

But like teleguy said it messes things up if you load a previous saved game. When i have just downloaded a new skin and changed it to work in SP, i always just start a new game.


If using the darth maul sp skin in combo with the darth maul model and dropping them into that folder works for you, it is definitely better than my method of unzipping all the stuff and manually editing paths. I think it will work for you if you just start a new game like teleguys says.


in a somewhat related note, after messing around with these downloaded skins and seeing the directory structure and all, i decided to use winzip to extract the original 550 mb assets0.pk3 file to see what all was in there... .whoa! I did not check to see how big it actually all was, but i think unzipped it is about 2-3gb. After i poked around in there, listened to all the sound files, etc. i of course deleted it. Then had to defrag the harddrive bigtime:)

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