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How to... a newbie's questions thread (Post here!)


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there is a definite way of replacing the gfx coloring. U must extract all the files from assets01 if u didnt already, then go into the directory gfx/effects/. In there will be a multitude of files in that directory which are the ammo/coloring/effects/etc. Edit the image of any of these files and save it as the filename of the origin that ur editing. After saving the new file in the identical new directory, right click the directory gfx that u created. Create a zip file of the new directory gfx/effects/ that u made. Click the file once (if extensions are enabled, meaning when u explore directories, the files as filename.extension) and rename it to urfilename.pk3. If done correctly, a warning box come up saying if u really want to change the file type, click yes and now the zip file should appear as a PK3 file. Insert the pk3 into your_jk2_directory/gamedata/base.

I know thats a lot to take in but read it slowly and follow it step by step, if u have any problems just reply with ur questions.

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