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geonosis arena-single player


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I haven't been able to load this mod. When I go to the setup/mod menu in single player, nothing is there to chose from. In multiplayer though, all the mods I've downloaded are there to chose from, but that's not of much use there. Does anyone know how to fix this?

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Ok, for the Battle at the Geonosis Hangar, you will load up SP as usual. then, instead of going to MODS, you will want to go to load saved game.. From there, you will pick the Geonosis mod.. its a little confusing, but you will get the hang of it in no time.

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I tried playing on my friend's computer the way it says to in the readme, it worked there. Also, there was no game in the saved list for the arena. I have the challenge single player level, could that be interfering in some way?

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