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Does JPB work with Bleem?

Zathu Koon

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I really wanna know cause i dont have psx but i have bleem and i really wanna play this game, they dont have it on the compatability list for yes or no or anything at all

if no one has bleem, it would be great if someone could go to bleem.com and download the demo(very small file) pop in jpb, and see if it runs



The Imperial Symphony goes triple platinum!


[This message has been edited by Yoda The Dj (edited August 13, 2000).]

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Darth Simpson, how did you get it to work perfectly? I have used bleem to play it, but with some minor setbacks (flashing screen or severe slowdown at certain points)



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Guest Darth_Simpson

Ok, maybe not perfect! The movies run like **** and some, but very few areas has some slowdown.


It works very good! Better?

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well, i also virtual game station and on its site it has a check for jpb for that i just looked the other day so, one i get it ill try it on both to c which one has the least problems, if only they made a pc one, sigh




The Imperial Symphony goes triple platinum!

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Guest Dave Maul

A friend tried JPB on the Bleem! demo (then copied it and threw me out the door wink.gif), and it looked very slow in my opinion. He is using a 455mz, dunno how much RAM he has, but I did expect better. Yes, I understand that the game is meant to work on a console, but still...




Dave Maul

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Guest Qui-gon John

Hey! why dont you just save up and buy a dreamcast, and jedi power battles for it?? btw it does work with bleem, I tried it, but it was pretty hard without a controller!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Btw, there is a version of Virtual Gaming Station for Windows (not just Mac).


Sadly I don't think they have released a demo version of the program yet.


But good luck!



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