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Odd suggestion, but bear it out...


Was strolling down memory lane this morning ,and stumbled upon a rather decent Thindercats site. ht emain image was of Cheetaro with her staff fully extended, and I just thought to my self:


Damn, does that thing look like an Extended Destroyer.. Wouldn't it be sweet it...)


Now, I am no modeller, skinner - well, anything technical - I am an ideas man, and the idea of seeing someone reskin Tavion (maybe make her little taller/leaner) and then a customer sbaer hilt that looks like the blade (her staff was an extending jobby where the hilt was indistinguishable from the staff itself if you all remember that far back (unfortunately, I do...!))


That would be quite sweet to see. Plus, with Force Speed maxed out, you would have the weapon, the skill, the look... In other word (please forgive for what I am about to do):


Thundercats are loose!

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