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JPB for Dreamcast release delayed

Guest Darth Wart

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Guest Darth Wart

Current projected ship date is October 3rd, not September 26, as everybody has been saying.


And let me say to LucasArts (if you're really shadowing this board, as we have reason to believe):


if the delay is due to general refinement and code tweaking, nobody minds!






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Guest Darth_Simpson



And why do we have reason to believe that LEC is shadowing this board?



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Guest the13thJedi



Coincidentally enough, they seem to have followed all of our suggestions for what needs to be fixed in the DC version. Many of which weren't to be heard of anywhere else...







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Guest Acid_Rain327

I don't understand you guys sometimes.


If they're so insightful as to delay the DC version of this game to fix it up, then why the hell didn't they do so for the PSX version?!


No offense Wart, but you're reacting to this exactly how those corporate executives want you to. You're following the exact plan they devised when they released the same POS months ago.

They released a crappy-ass, unfinished version of a game for 50 bucks a pop, then used their loyal fanbase as an uncompensated, blatantly-ripped off, world-wide beta-testing team. Now, they're gonna take your cash, and your efforts and re-release this thing again to make even more money! You bought the damn thing, and inadvertedly funded a cashcow - one which you're willingly going to hand over yet more hard-earned money to.


Come on, man! Open your eyes, and don't be suckered again! If you don't already see that the DC version of this game is going to be a piece of crap, and is only a means of raking in more money, then the guys in the LEC advertisement campaign department are doing a damn fine job of making sure you don't.


What I'm trying to say is: we all got ripped off by a company we trusted. We blindly handed over our money for a product we had no reason to doubt the quality of, because of the manufacturor's reputation. They exploited that loyaly to rip us off. Now, they're going to release the same product with shiny new graphics, and they expect us to go out and spend more money on the same damn thing again, based on the same loyalty that caused us to buy this thing the first time.


Don't be a lemming, my friend.

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

You forget that not all of us share your hatred for the game.




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Guest Acid_Rain327

Possibly. But, I don't want you people to be ripped off yet again.


Regardless of how you feel about the game, it's pretty hard not to see LEC's motives behind all this. And it's pretty hard to understand why so many people would just accept it.

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

If I remember correctly, you liked the TPM game. Personally, I hate it (Why? The word "dull" comes to mind.) and would rather have a different game in it's place. "To each his own."


Wart obviously likes the game enough to buy the DC version.(Remember that strategy guide he wrote and revised six times? He wouldn't have done it if he hated the game.)




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[This message has been edited by Jedi Kanigget (edited August 16, 2000).]

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Guest Darth Wart

It's true; and the bottom line is I expect to get $45 of fun out of the DC version, just as I got (at least) $45 of fun out of the PSX version.


I'm not to happy with LucasArts either, but I've certainly socked it to 'em enough: on virutally every page of that walkthrough I bashed them for their shameless glitches, and thousands of people read that thing.






Get your free JPB guide at:


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Guest Dave Maul

I feel that JPB was worth my £30, since a few bugs had been sorted out (PAL version). But I'm still waiting for someone to answer a question I posed a few weeks ago: In the UK version, does anybody see the Hyperdrive on level 5?


I don't have a DC, but I'd buy a PS2 version no problem. Especially since the new one will have training, one-on-one and more secret characters. Oh, and CHEAT CODES! Finally!




Dave Maul

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Guest Kurgan

Let me just say I didn't spend a dime on JPB. I didn't get "hyped up" about it. I heard about it, and thought it sounded nice, then I read the scathing reviews of it. So I didn't have high hopes.


I played it in a store and found it was "okay" but then after my roommate rented it and I got a chance to play it at greater length I discovered it was a game that wasn't worth buying for me or for many other folks. I don't even own a PSX of my own.


I don't own a DC either, but I will definately try the DC version just for kicks, and if it turns out to be a good game, hey, maybe one day I'll buy it (once I get a DC cheap, haha!). ; )


I see JPB as a game with potential, that failed to live up to what it could have been, given more time and money by the developers. I wish them luck with the new version that promises to be better (now that we know it isn't just going to be a graphical upgrade with one new secret character thrown in).


And if it turns out to be a bad game, then I needn't worry about it.




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited August 16, 2000).]

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Guest Qui-gon John

oh no you dont Acid_Rain327!!!! you have crosssed the fu**ing line!!!! when you insult DC, you insult me!!!! How dare you!!! you are one fu**ed up in the head kind of person!!!! Besides I own a dreamcast only, I never bought the playstation, and now it is too old to buy. But Damnnn!!! The playstation lasted a long time!!!


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Guest Qui-gon John

And one more thing!! The dreamcast version will NOT be carpy!! It will be better than the slow ass crapy graphic playstation version. btw, I dont think playstation is that bad, it is just old and ridiculous how people still think it is better than dreamcast, which it isnt.

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Well, I'm up for a discussion.


If you think you can come up with a legible arguement for what you said above, Qui-Gon John, then please do; I'd be more than happy to oblige with my view of things. But, please understand where I'm coming from: do you know what Lucasarts has pulled with this product?


And, let's refrain from that kind of language and "carpy", meaningless posts.

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Say Qui-Gon John, you're not the only one, I also don't have a playstation, I bought a Saturn instead back in '96, aaah, what a fine machine it was (and stil is), I could talk about the Saturn all day, but I won't(at least now).

Oh yeah, Do you know that they are using the PSX 2 as something to keep the door open in my local games shop. HAHAHAHA, that'll teach Sony to make a crap machine, thinking that everybody will buy it purely because the first one sold a lot. MWAHAHAHAHA biggrin.gif


P.S. have you guy's heard about Codemasters abandoning Sega, I wonder how much they got from Somy?????




I am your father.


[This message has been edited by Pedro The Hutt (edited August 24, 2000).]


[This message has been edited by Pedro The Hutt (edited August 24, 2000).]

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Oh and john, I suggest you stop the harassing e-mails.

You need to settle down, now.

I'd hate to have this turn into a confrontation.

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

He's harassing you with e-mails? Sheesh, he's more excitable than I thought.




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Guest Qui-gon John

Originally posted by Dave Maul:

Refrain from using vulgar language on this forum, or you'll find yourself banned.

Hey....I blanked thosed out, so I cant get banned, sorry.



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Guest Qui-gon John

Acid_Rain327... confrantation??? yeah..whatever, all I am saying is that the version for dreamcast will NOT be crappy. that is all I am saying, you are the one that needs to settle down, and one more thing.....what e-mails are you talking about???? I sent one e-mail to you.

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Dude, you're looking for "confrantation" if you send people e-mails like this:


"what!?!?!?! are you some kind of f***ing idiot?!?!? you are not going to buy episode I jedi power battles for dreamcast!?!!!??!? unless you dont have a dreamcast you are stupid!!! the graphics will be 10 times better!!!!! AND IT WILL BE BETTER!!!!!!! AND I HOPE YOU DONT PLAYSTATION HAS BETTER GRAPHICS THAN DREAMCAST!!!"

Note that I had to clean this up for obvious reasons.


Honestly, are you like 9 years old?

It's a damn gaming board, not something to persecute someone over, and certainly not something that warrants this kind of behavior. Furthermore, this kind of behavior does not make you cool, nor does it generate any kind of respect.


Grow up, or go away.


By the way, I didn't mean e-mails (plural) in the sense of accusing you of sending me multiple letters; I meant for a possible chain of them to end now. I mean, if you're hostile enough to send something like this, who wouldn't be cautious of you sending more?



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Guest the13thJedi

Damn Straight Acid.


Qui Gon John, if you're going to start out by acting like a two year old: Do yourself a favor. Clean it up or go away...


Some of us have been around awhile and quite frankly, We don't need that crap.



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Guest Weasel

13th, I hope hes not acting like a two year old, I wouldn't want any two year old using that kind of language smile.gif. Doh, probably shouldn't be joking as this thread has turned a little serious.


--The Weasel




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Guest Dave Maul

Sorry, Qui-Gon John, but even if the post was censored, it was still said. Think about what you're doing before you go and flame another member for giving his opinion. Some of these guys have been around since the start. I've only been here a few months, and I've seen a fair share of pranksters and idiots. What I'm saying is that if you want to make friends here, you shouldn't go cursing at them. Kind of goes without saying, really.




Dave Maul

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Guest Qui-gon John


Wow, this entire post is agains me!! oh well it is a good thing I didnt read any of that before I apologized, becasue I do get excited to often, anyway the reason i am posting something back on this post is to get it on fire!! biggrin.gif I just want to see the little flaming folder!!!..........hmmm, ok, bye!!!! smile.gif




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