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Guest Saesee Goldman

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Guest Saesee Goldman

I just recieved an email from George Lucas himself:


yes they will be making a new copy of Jedi Power Battles and yes it will be for Nintendo 64.


Also There will be the ENTIRE JEDI COUNCIL and Darth Sidius included as selectable characters from the start.


Yes ther will be cheats and the graphics will be as good as the cutscenes and no there will be no glitches. It will, for all you N64 fans, be 4 player compatible both co-op and vs.


I will later be posting the email for all to see.





Saesee Goldman

master of high speeds


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Guest Jedi Kanigget

An e-mail from George Lucas himself?? How is the old bugger these days? Believe it or not, he and I went to high school together. Ah yes, the good old days of playing pranks on Georgie. He was a short git then, and would always ask us "Judge me by my size, do you?" We'd say "yes", and his eyes would get really large and he'd just stare at us. Every once in a while his face would start twitching, almost as if he was trying to pick us up with his mind or something. Anyway, tell George I said "hi".



Oh, by the way, you're not fooling anyone, so take your lies elsewhere.



GuinRem.gif ACBII.gif


[This message has been edited by Jedi Kanigget (edited October 18, 2000).]

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Guest Acid_Rain327

<sarcasm>Oh no kidding? You went to high school with him? I'll have to ask him if he remembers you.


See, I kicked back with ol' Georgie all during the filming of Episode II. Man, guy hasn't changed since the last time I saw him. He'd ask me about things while all those fine folks were filming the movie (which will be damn good, I can assure you, first hand) and I'd give my opinions as to how the audiences would respond to it; I also threw around some ideas with Doug Chiang and Iain McCaig when we weren't bar-hopping (man, those guys can party).


Still, good Ol' Georgie wouldn't go all the way with my suggestions about Jar Jar, but I think you all will be satisfied.


It was great seeing George again, and everyone in Sydney, Tunisia, everywhere we went were so hospitable. And man, that Natalie Portman...


...oh, that reminds me, I need to call her.</sarcasm>

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Guest Dave Maul

Bah...I'm not even going to respond to this guy...as far as I know, I have already (maybe another "Star Wars Insider" or "Ki-Adi-Michael"?)




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Guest jedihorn1

GEt the heck outta town! You all know George? I thought it was just me. Acid you are right, Ep2 looks awsome. George showed me a bit of what they had while I was staying with him at his ranch. That theator is wild. I got to see all 4 SW movies in a row, and then a presentation of the EP2 shots. Pretty sweet... and that Natalie Portman.....So you're the other guy Acid!


On a serious tip, to the smeg-head that started this topic:

1. George Lucas would not comment on lowly video games. He could probably care less. He pays lackeys to handel all that stuff.

2. The fact that you didn't bother to see that tons of gits like yourself have already tried to do this kinda junk shows how intelligent you are.

3. Are you that bored that you have to come up with this lame stuff. You could have at least come up with something better than this. If you are going to do stupid stuff like this, at least be creative about it.





Check out the best site for SW news rumors, fan fiction, chat and more! The Jedi Temple

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Guest Hannibal

You guys aren't going to believe this, but I may already be the winner of 10 million dollars. All I need to do is open this envelope then start spending like a Gabor sister.

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Well, I have got you all topped. I am George Lucas's personal trainer. We spend a lot of time sparring with lightsaber. And Natalie Portman is my personal trainer. We spar in the boxing ring and she has knocked out 7 of my teeth and I had to have $40,000 worth of plastic surgery to repair the facial damage. On the upside, now I look like Tom Cruise. By the way, he's Natalie's personal trainer. He's also been beaten so badly that he has stunt double's act for him while he lip-synchs.

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And I've got you topped thanks to my sig! HA! biggrin.gif




I am your father.

And I gave my son George the idea to make a fantasy movie with sabers made out of light etc.And then I suggested him to make a movie about an archeologist who likes to look after the lost Ark, with his buddie Stevie Spielberg.


[This message has been edited by Pedro The Hutt (edited October 21, 2000).]

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Guest Acid_Rain327

No kidding? I just finished my Death Star the other day! I'm having a bit of trouble with calibrating the superlaser though...any suggestions?

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Guest jedihorn1

Try re-routing the superconductors through the turbolaser batteries. I had the same problem. Incidentally, I just finished my Sun Crusher. It was pretty hard figuring out how to make the suns go nova, but after that it was a piece-o-cake.




Check out the best site for SW news rumors, fan fiction, chat and more! The Jedi Temple

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You got a Deathstar too huh? Mines exactly the same except.. I GOT MINE FOR NOTHING!!!


My dad is an Imperial Governor, and he got me one for free. ; )


Oh and I should be getting a "Galaxy Gun" setup soon for Christmas, if I beg him enough.



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Guest Acid_Rain327

Right on Kurgan. We should dogfight sometime.


I'm currently trying to save up enough for a squad or Star Destroyers; but it isn't easy without a job. I'm gonna tell my friends and family to just give me cash this year for by birthday, so I can go out and hopefully have enough for maybe 2 or 3.

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Guest jedihorn1

Hey Acid,

I'll sell you my SSD for cheap. Now that I have my Sun Crusher, I don' need it anymore. Nothing is cooler than having yur Own SSD as a Flagship to your Impstar fleet.




Check out the best site for SW news rumors, fan fiction, chat and more! The Jedi Temple

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Well, I got the last 2 albino Rancors. Albino Rancors come from dry planets, when the moisture farms came springing up they were endangered from drowning. I also got a Yoda, I keep it in a glass jar on my dresser.

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WOW! I just picked up a box of womprat crackerjack from a mos espa cantina, And in the box was little bean with a imperial symbol on one side and on the other it said add water. I poured a glass of water on it and the ground began to shake. And out came 2 death stars and 5 SSD. What a deal!!

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Guest Saesee Tom

I went to bed with Her Majesty... rolleyes.gif

Do you honestly think that we bought that? Or that they will release Jedi Power Battles AGAIN with... Darth Sidious? For your information George Lucas does not read any Star Wars novels or PLAY ANY OF THE STAR WARS GAMES! Why would he BOTHER to write to you? So... tongue.gif



Visit Saesee Tom and YLH's General Discussion Forum!


[This message has been edited by Saesee Tom (edited October 31, 2000).]

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