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Wart's second call to the LucaArts HINTLINE

Guest Darth Wart

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Guest Darth Wart

This is more or less verbatim.


Q: How do I get past the Gungan Roundup?

A: The what?

Q: Level thirteen. The Gungan Roundup.

A: Hmmmm. There’s no major things to that. What kinds of problems are you having?

Q: Just getting Jar-Jar in my goal. Many times I play through with all 8 credits and I can’t score a single goal. What’s the trick?

A: That just a bonus level. There are no major tricks to know. I can’t give you any advice about that.

Q: Uh, okay... Do you have the points benchmarks for two player?

A: No, just for one player.

Q: But I need the ones for two player.

A: They should be doubled for two player.

Q: You mean halved?

A: Oh, halved, sorry.

Q: So on two players each character needs exactly half of what he needs on one player?

A: That’s what I’ve been told, yeah.

Q: Sometimes when I am in the computer valley of the Ruins level, the camera won’t scroll right. Right about where the rifle droids are. How do you get out of that?

A: Hmmmm. Is this on two player?

Q: I think it’s happened to me on two-player, but mostly on one player.

A: Because on two player, if one of the characters is far away, the camera won’t scroll.

Q: No, I know that. But this is DEFINITELY happening on one player.

A: That’s never happened to me…

Q: Is there any way of killing the droids in the New Orleans section of level three?

A: Yeah, just deflect their lasers.

Q: But they shoot cannons. You can’t deflect ---

A: Oh, oh, I’m sorry. No, I thought you were talking about… No, there’s no way to kill them. You can’t kill them.

Q: How do you get Amidala past the boss monster of level one?

A; If you get her back more on the walkway, there’s more of an angle. She’ll aim up more.

Q: You’re saying that she’ll aim up merely because she’s further back towards 6:00 on that walkway?

A: Yeah.

Q: Same for Panaka?

A: Yeah, same thing with him.

Q; What’s your advice for Plo Koon Vs. Maul?

A: what's going on?

Q: It’s hard. Specifically, his combos are all too slow. Maul is just quicker. My friends have noticed it too. I’d like to know what your comment is on this famous problem.

A: I’ve never heard of a problem with that at all.

Q: Well, it was very difficult for me.

A: I just use thermal detonators on him, and whatever force powers I’ve acquired.

Q: Oh. [Note: Plo has no thermal detonator; I don’t know why I failed to mention this.]

Q: What is the next Star Wars-based release for the Playstation gonna be?

A: Hold on, let me check my calendar. “Demolition.”

Q: “Demolition”? You just blow stuff up?

A: You can read all about it on our website.

Q: I’ve gotten all my 8 characters – the 5 basic ones plus the three unlocked ones – to 10/100. Is there anything left for me to discover in the game?

A: No, that’s pretty much it. Just the extra rounds, Survival Challenge, Droidekas and all that.

Q: But there are rumors going around how Yoda, Ki-Adi-Mundi, and a doubled-bladed Darth Maul are highly secret unlockable characters in the game. Is this true?

A: Not to my knowledge.

Q: But, no offense intended, perhaps you wouldn’t know.

A: No; there are no other hidden levels or characters than what you have.

Q: Well, if Ki-Adi-Mundi is not in the game, why is his voice in the credits?

A: I don’t know. I didn’t know he was in the credits.

Q: Let me put it to you this way: would you be willing to bet your first-born child that there are no other hidden characters or levels in the game?

A: Uh, you’re getting a little personal with that one.

Q: Sorry, but there’s a lot of speculation going around about this. If you tell me “no,” people are just going to say you’re lying. If you tell me “I don’t know,” people will just say that’s because the higher-ups haven’t told you yet.

A: Look, you can believe whatever you want to believe.

Q: By the way, do you talk to the game testers a lot?

A: What do you mean?

Q: Well, they’re there in the same building with you?

A: They’re across the way, yeah.

Q: Just out of curiosity, how does one get to be a tester? I mean, there’s NOBODY I know who wouldn’t be good at that –- playing a video game all day and then telling someone what they think. Even the most loserly of my friends would excel at that job. So how do you get that job? What are the qualifications?

A: To be honest, many of them are not qualified. [laughs]

Q: But how did they get their jobs? Seriously.

A: I don’t know. You should check our website. Maybe there’s an opening for a tester.

Q: What kind of money do they get?

A: I think it’s a comparable wage.

Q: Do you also have access to the game’s programmers?

A: I’ve talked to a couple of them, yeah.

Q: Do they feel angry about the game? Do they feel it was yanked out of their hands prematurely, before it was ready?

A: What do you mean?

Q: Well, there’s a lot of rumors going around about how Lucas rushed them to finish the game to match the same release date as the video, and that consequently it has many bugs and an unfinished feel to it. Do they have any opinion about that that you know of? Do they consider the game unfinished?

A: Not to my knowledge.

Q: Okay, I think that's it for today. Thank you.

A: Thank you.







There is a complete online JPB strategy guide available at:



[This message has been edited by Darth Wart (edited May 10, 2000).]

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Guest Pizza the Hutt

So we should just use Plo's thermal detonators, huh? Whether there are more unlocked characters or not, I wouldn't believe a thing that rep told you. Sounds like they've never even played the game.

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Guest 84Elan

My god man that guy was qualifed to be a tester? Or maybe not that is why he knew nothing. Good Show old man that was great.

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Guest Darth Killa

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....LOL...I guess he does not know that there is no way to get the secret charaters to 10/100. This looks like a loser of a hint place. Wart I have to hand it to you, your one cool guy. It sounds like he never even heard of the game lol. Thanks Wart I needed a laugh smile.gif.



Darth Killa

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Guest Jedi-Qui-Gon

Good job drilling him with the questions..though i'm losing faith that their is more to this game




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Guest Maul Clone

Very funny. You were his nightmare caller. Let's face it, most of us know more about the game than any person who works at the hint line, especially you Wart. I wish they wouldn't lie like that when they don't know something. I would trust any of them unless they said "I don't know if there are any more secret characters." Because there's no way they could know.


Thanx for wasting your money to answer our questions though Wart.

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Guest Acid_Rain327

I've gotta say...my faith in Lucas Arts continutes to dwindle with ever bit of info I hear of them...


Wart, my man, you are definitely in the running for coolest person on this board. Thanks for the laughs, and shoving that stuff in their faces.

Maybe we'll get lucky, and your call will have some effect on future products. smile.gif


Anyway, keep up the coolness, my friend.


Take it easy.


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