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(1)server options (2)An obscenely alien move


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1) Could someone tell me how to SELECTIVELY enable or disable force powers instead of turn them ALL on or off?


2)I saw this wierd move on a Starhub sabre-only ffa server. This guy could crouch and whirl his sabre around so fast -(btw his sabre would be about 45 degrees off-parallel to ground)- that his sabre seemed to form a translucent, almost solid cone above his head. Now to my seasoned knowledge there is no such special move in the game.

I can confirm what he did WAS NOT spin strafing (or strafe spining) with blue stance coz he would have had to be moving and his sabre would not have created a cone. Anyway I was a blue-stance strafe-spinning monkey as a newbie so I can tell the difference very well. It also could not have been the special move for yellow stance because that move dose not permit the sabre to move so obscenely fast. The sabre in that move only moves diagonally UP and BACK to the RIGHT. And anyway he didn't jump before doing this cone thingy. I am beginning to suspect he bound -[(extremely fast lateral mouse motion)]- to a key but then I can't be even 10% sure. The move was just completely alien so I 'm hoping some[Yoda] out there could enlighten me. THanks

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1/ the server side cvar is:


g_forcepowerdisable ####


#### being a number which controls which forces are disabled.


Each forcepowers are associated with a code, listed below:


1 - Heal

2 - Jump

4 - Speed

8 - Push

16 - Pull

32 - Mind Trick

64 - Grip

128 - Lightning

256 - Dark Rage

512 - Protect

1024 - Absorb

2048 - Team Heal

4096 - Team Energize

8192 - Drain

16384 - Seeing

32768 - Sabre Offence

65536 - Sabre Defence

131072 - Sabre Throw


To disable certain powers, add the number associated with forces you want to disable. This number is represented by #### above.


Eg. to disable throw, you would type in the console g_forcepowerdisable 131072. If you want to disable throw and heal, you would type g_forcepowerdisable 131073.


To disable all forces change the variable to 262143

To enable all forces, change it to 0



2/ This is basically an eye candy move with no use at all. You need sabrethrow lvl 3.


1. Throw the sabre out in front of you.

2. Hold the primary attack button(default is Mouse1) as you release the secondry fire(sabre throw)

3. As the sabre homes in towards you, try dodging it as it flies past. You can do this by using the strafe keys or rolling.

4. After dodging it a couple of times, the sabre should start flying around you by itself. It will follow you around as you walk

5. to make it stay in one spot, orbiting an imaginary point, press taunt whilst the sabre is in orbit. (If you don't know how to taunt, you can bind a key to taunt by typing bind x +taunt, where x is the key you want to use to taunt.)

6. To stop this, release the primary attack button(ie. Mouse1).


[EDIT]: I just re-read your second part and i think its something else. He did not chuch his sabre yeah? Its still in his hand and he's just standing there?


If so he could have done 2 things:


1/ He changed this mouse sensitivity to the maximum and spun it, making him spin extremely fast on one spot.


2/ He adjusted his yawspeed. This is an exploit of the game's engine and i will not say how that is being done.

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