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Variation of cheat even worse.


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Looks like this has gotten a bit wose. I was just on a server when a jerkoff came in iniated a kick vote on people. He then used the reconnect cheat to make the vote win every time.


Now we have jerks running around booting everyone off servers. Will this be patched or do I have to stop playing?

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The first two patches came relatively quickly. There are so many things that have been in this game since the 1.02 build that still have not been resolved that I doubt there will be anymore patches. I think they've given up on the game do to the backlash of the patches and frankly I'd be fed up with this community too with all the crying they've had to endure. 1.02 was perfect, people cried about swinging dfa. Fine fix that a bit but all the changes made to the game aside of that were unnecessary and resulted in a patch that made the game quite tedious.

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