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The "GOOD" people are here

Guest Maul Clone

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Guest Maul Clone

I case you didn't notice Darth Wart and Jedi Kanigget made an AWESOME strategy guide. Others like me, Shadeshifter, and a few others are digging deep in the game looking for secrets and strategies.


I think the "GOOD" people you are refering too were just members of the old council. I was around right when the council was ending, and I think the reason it ended was because of posts such as the "GOOD" people post. The fact is the only people who thought the council were "GOOD" were the council themselves.


Sorry to jump on your case Adi, but you are being really shortsighted and rude about this "GOOD" people thing.

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Guest Sith Lord Rage

I wish some of you knew what you were talking about. People liked the council a lot. Adi means the GOOD people as in the productive people who help others, not like the people who make this place terrible i.e. Barnabas-Uncouncil

Maul Clone-Sith Order

DarthJustin-He is a pain

JediDiego-Redundant, and noone wants to give out there name on-line


The whole porkins nonesense

and others who I don't feel like naming now.




Formerly Maul, Sith Lord

"At last we have had our revenge"

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Guest Rogue_Jedi

Amen, Maul Clone! Hints and strategy for JPB is what this board is for and I acknowledge the assistance that has been provided in the past. Think about this for a minute. If a few people get on this board and make it look ugly, how will that encourage newcomers to register and share their insights on the game. The only people who will register are the ones who want to join in on the debauchery. It should be fun and not so serious all the time, but I think many of us could do without the porn on a Star Wars site.



"May the Force be with You"

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Guest Maul Clone

Originally posted by Sith Lord Rage:

I wish some of you knew what you were talking about. People liked the council a lot. Adi means the GOOD people as in the productive people who help others, not like the people who make this place terrible i.e. Barnabas-Uncouncil

Maul Clone-Sith Order

DarthJustin-He is a pain

JediDiego-Redundant, and noone wants to give out there name on-line


The whole porkins nonesense

and others who I don't feel like naming now.


Ok now then, all the people that liked the council raise your hands, and council members don't count. Anyone?


You don't like me, fine(though I notice you didn't given a reason why you don't, must not have a valid one). But why aren't Darth Wart and Jedi Kanigget amoung those "GOOD" people? They have done more by far to help people with their strategy guide than the council ever did. The only thing I even saw the council do is talk about how great they are.

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Guest Plo Koon

I was technically never on the council. I just helped people and never degraded anyone for asking the same question over and over. I think what Adi is trying to say is that all the "GOOD" people are the ones who did the most for this forum.


She may have forgotten about Kanigget and Wart, but I wouldn't just jump to conclusions on the whole council thing. Not just the members liked it. I liked it and wasn't on it. Many people liked the idea, but then some other people joined the forum and bashed it thinking that the council was above others.


It never was, it was just to show newbies who to go to for advise.


I think the "GOOD" people here are the ones that don't pest others, the ones that don't flood, the ones who make strategy guides wink.gif, and the ones that are just plain cool and fun to talk too.


However, there are a lot of people here that seem to not like the forum. Don't know why, but they are the ones that I don't like.




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Guest Maul Clone

What people didn't like was the tone the council took towards everyone else, like the the "GOOD" people post. I know, I was one of them. As in everyone else is BAD, is what it suggested. I don't see anything "GOOD" about that.


Maybe you don't realize it, but that kind of thing is very rude. I personally found it offensive after all I've contributed here and as nice as I've been. The other posters I mentioned SHOULD have been offended too, a lot more than me.


[This message has been edited by Maul Clone (edited May 10, 2000).]

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Guest Darth skywalker

So youre saying that all the other people here are bad including me even if you dont know anyone here personally.Thats like saying that were going to hell and your the only ones allowed in heaven.You dont know.



*Darth skywalker*

Dark sith lord of humor*


Member of the Un-council.




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Guest Darth Trunks

When Jedi Trunks came around, the council was good. but over the break of easter, it fell apart. But he liked it and when he told me about it, i liked it too. I thought it was phat, and one day hoped i could joiin it. But when i came it was gone, and the council people was gone too. i heard they were ver helpful people. and do darth wart, your strategy guide was awsome, and ure awsome, but no offense, since that, no one has asked for help. it was fun giving help, and i think that is what the council was here for. Now the uncouncil is doing crap, they try to be funny. and the sith order, well we try at some things, but some people, in it are a pain. off that, the damn good people is f'd up. I am a good person, so is Jedi Trunks, Maul Clone, Darth Wart, Jedi Kanniget, Plo and a lot of others. so that is my point, and my fingers are on fire! GLUE





Darth Trunks, Dark Lord of The Sith Order


"I Sniff Glue, we will never have a downfall!"

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