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Level Fourteen: Survival Challenge STRATEGY GUIDE (rough)

Guest Darth Wart

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Guest Darth Wart



Your basic strategy here is running around in circles. Seriously.


Try to be defensive; there are many ways of getting the droids to shoot each other; you’re still given the credit.


Doing this level with Qui-Gon enables him to heal himself. That can be important, ‘cause it’s like giving yourself a whole ‘nother health bar.


However, the key here is running, not taking damage with aplomb. For this, Obi-Wan runs the fastest (you can play this level with any your characters, including the unlocked ones, Maul, Amidala, and Panaka; hard to believe the programmers permitted this).


I would recommend doing this level with Amidala, if you can. Her ability to shoot and kill offscreen monsters does not lead to glitches on this level.


Take your time; be as elusive as you can, not confrontational (“Why can’t we all just get along?”) Run around in circles until both monsters are following you in tandem; then, when the moment is right, hack them both. There is no timer at this level, so feel free to run around till things are just the way you like them. (There’s a time for hacking and there’s a time for running around like a chicken with its head cut off. This is the time for the latter. Run around till they follow in sync, then choose your moment well.)


For example, the battle droids (45-50, I believe) tend to drop toward the center of the screen. Your solution? Run around the arena in circles, keeping one step ahead of their lasers, till those guys shoot each other. Don’t waste your time deflecting these guys; they can simply get off too many rounds at you.


As for the flame droids, get behind them when they flame. But these guys will complaisantly run after you in tandem as well, if that’s how you want to play things.


The moment a rifle droid lands, it blasts. Watch for shadows and move to get him off-screen. He’s more likely to miss when he fires. From there you can shoot him (this is why I recommend Amidala or Panaka at this level) without getting shot yourself, or use a long-range force technique if you can spare it.


You might be wondering what the last enemies are. Boss monsters? No, simple grappling droids. Sort of an anticlimax, wouldn’t you say?


The prize for completing the level is the “ultimate lightsaber.” You can turn it off and on from the menu that appears when the game is paused. It will kill everything in a single blow, except boss monsters (although it WILL dispatch the boss monsters’ helpers in a single blow, such as on Coruscant.) It looks like your old lightsaber; it’s neither longer nor more bright. It does not deflect lasers any better. Monsters are unable to block it, too; although they can still shoot you to pieces. It makes the game a lot easier, and the incredible thing is that ALL your characters get it, even if they haven’t finished to level 10 with 100 points yet.


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Guest Jedi Garrett



I LOVE IT, FINALLY STAR WARS LIGHTSABERS DONE RIGHT! No monsters can't block a lightsaber, and yes it would kill with one hit, JUST LIKE THE MOVIES! Alright, LUCASARTS! They deserve a pat on the back for this game!

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