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Any body know good models?


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i've been dabeling a bit with the model's. I've come up with reborn/fencer, reborn/forceuser, and many others. Also have morgan/ghost, like that one alot >:). Recently i've seen an invisble Kyle model, i keep asking people what the model name is, but no one ever tells me. If somone can please help me out, i would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.


One other thing, i downloaded some models off of the jediknightii.netfiles site, but i can't use them on any servers i go to, why is this?

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the server has to have the skin(s) too for them to be usable.


Not true. If the server is not pure, and yet the host does not have the skins, then the player who does have the skins can use them, HOWEVER, other people in the server will not see the custom skin. If the server is pure, then you can only choose skins from which the host has downloaded. :D


o ya the model i use is imperial/officer. bascially an imperial with a gold uniform instead of the gray one.

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