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Saber blade pointed wrong


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I've been working on a saber that is compatible with various mods. But no matter what I do, the blade of the saber is pointed 90 degrees to the right. No matter which way I rotate the tag_flash in MilkShape or MAX, it's always pointed the wrong way. I can move the tag around and this change of position is reflected in the game. But no matter which way I rotate it, it's always pointed 90 degrees to the right. I can't figure this out.

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Okay, here's the trick. The tutorials on tag_flash seem to be jacked up pretty universally. Instead, point the long end of tag_flash downward into your saber, the blade should emit from the shortest side. As such;


Blade emmision point.












That's how I had to do it. Using Gmax, and translating it through the JK2 MDLview. It seems that it may behave differently when different programmes are used to create it. I dunno. Hope this works for you.



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I've noticed that almost everytime I get a saber hilt ingame for the first time the blade will invariably be angled at 90deg downward pitch. In my case the solution was simple; saber throw corrects this. I'm not sure why but everytime I package up a saber.pk3 and run the game with it for the first time, it always does that... except this one time where i actually misoriented the tag_flash.


About the tag positioning, I always orient mine long edge up and the blade emits from the XYZ center of the tag_flash triangle. But whatever works... I'll try this popular method and see what results I get.

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I've tried throwing the saber when it was offset, and it never worked for me, but who knows. The game seems to behave a little erratically when it comes to these things. But so far, the alignment I use works for me, anyone else, especially if this doesn't work I'd just suggest experimenting abit.

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U have the same problem i had.

It took me 2 hours of rotating & moving the tag until the coordinates were correct for the blade angle.


Best way to get the right angle is to put the tag in a really dumb position, compile the saber, run it in game, and see where the saber blade points. Then if still wrong, go back into the hilt file and rotate the tag points again. Takes a long time but u will get there.


It is worth mentioning that the tag must be placed correctly in a 3 dimensional space (x, -x, y, -y etc.) It would be a good idea to try and rotate the tag along another axis. i think when i did my hilt, the tag axis for the blade to pop out was -x which pointed along the -y axis on screen.

Remember a tag can rotate alone 4 different axis.


use the tools gmax for modelling and jk2-tools for converting md3's. As the converter tool allows u to see the axis of the tag and hilt.


hope this helped abit. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.


this is blackwing, signing out..

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