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Twisted Vertex

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WOw so much has changed I had to find this section.


Hi, I am kinda back....I never finished Sephirtoh casue of really badass deformation issues, and he never got in game correctly. I started a DBZ mod for UT2k3, and my polycounts are good to come to this game. I am probably donating most of my models to the DBZ mod for JK2....


I need some feedback......tell me the ups and downs...I think the hair needs work....buts thats it.....Maybe I am missing something.






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Nice work, but his hair and his face needs ALOT of work, it looks like he has no eyes! And his hair looks like hes a samurai kinda person, only a bit though.


I hope you can put some in, otherwise people will call him flat-faced vegeta! :lol:

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