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Very !@&#!@^&* Stuck


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Hey All


I am about as newbie as newbie gets to editing/mods/etc. When i look at how much all of you know, i realize i am way out of my league. I hope that i can tap into all of your collecitve experience and knowledge and get alot of help.


Here is what i wanted to do (roughly). I wanted to create a single-player mod for JK2 which really makes it cool and "personalized" to be the Jedi you want to be, and later on, make a bunch of MP maps too along the same lines:


See, in addition to having the 3 saber "stances" in JK2, each of which has it's pros and cons, i wanted also to have 3 different choices of "sabers" to choose from, each of which also has pros and cons in addition to the 3 styles of combat already used in JK2. Let me be more specific so you can see what i had in mind, and i would really appreciate suggestions, and a WHOLE LOT OF HELP, including opinions and thoughts as to how hard this would be and what i would have to learn.


I had in mind 3 different lightsabers for a jedi to choose from:


1 - The standard saber. This is the one used by Kyle in the SP game of JK2. It's advantage is that it is the all-around most versatile/useful saber. It's pros and cons are about average.


2 - The double-sided saber. This is similar to the saber wielded by darth maul in Episode one, except, it has a hinge in the center which allows it to detach and reattach with the click of a button from a single saber with 2 blades, to 2 individual sabers, each with their own blade. This saber has tremendous pros on offense/aggression, but, if attacked, it can be chopped in half, rendering one half of it useless. The double ended saber cannot be thrown, but if seperated into 2 seperate sabers, one or both can be thrown, although the jedi will have less control than the jedi with the "standard saber"


3 - The double saber. This is like having 2 light sabers at once. The obvious advantage is defensive. Fighting multiple enemies is child's play. The obvious disagvantage is that either one can easily be knocked out of your hand through regular combat.


I would like to make a mod like this, but i have to idea where to start. Please help me, or if possible, refer me to a site which has similar mods. If it is not too much trouble, please help me find a site that shows the program code of jk2, so i can make my "dream-mod" be one of quality as well.


Thanks for all your help, and i hope my newbie questions arent offensive. I hope someone will help me soon. Thank you all for your time and patience.


One more final thing, how do you create a mod which ADDS force POwers no longerr in the game (i.e. - deadly sight/ protection, etc..






Thank You for all your help.


Sincerely joel robrt stephen young.

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Once in a great while someone comes along with grand ideas that will revolutionize gameplay.


There are amazing things possible, my friend, but yours sounds too much like too many mods already in progress.


Try the request forum, that's where requests for help go.

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