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Is it possible to switch key configs is game?


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Ok, after playing promod 3 all morning(kicks ass!) I realized how much eaiser it would be if I could assign 2 keys to switch between 2 copies of my jk2confg, one with a key setup for jedi/sith and another with a key setup for a gunner/merc. Is there anything out that can do that? or is it even possible? Any information would be greatly appericated.

Thanks in advance!

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This is the way i did it, i'm sure there is a better way.


First, make your gunner .cfg, then apply it in game, go to your promod 3 folder, copy, paste and name it something easy to remember like "gun.cfg", then make sure it's in the promod 3.0 folder!! Then, go in game and make your jedi .cfg, same process as above, name it something easy to remember.



After you have all your cfgs, while in game open the console and type /exec x.cfg where x is what you called your cfg. You can try binding that to a buttion but it doesnt seem to work for me...

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cool! thanks alot Zerowing, I'll give it a try soon!


edit: ok i set them up as merc.cfg and jedi.cfg and they are in my promod folder....however when im in a server with bots(havn't tried with people yet) and i goto console and type "exec jedi.cfg"

it tells me it cant execute the file....i did it just as ya said and im a bit confused right now.....any ideas?

thanks again


EDIT #2: lol...never mind above, hehe, i had a spelling error in ym config...heh Works perfect now, thank you again!

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