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Need a little bit of help...


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Hey guys, I was hoping someone could help me out on something.


When I try to match up brushes' textures to textures on a curve, they look...well weird, and quite obvious that they're different objects and thus very...un-pretty.


Here is an example: http://www27.brinkster.com/morphius2661/index.htm The last picture with the arches, it is VERY obvious that those are different brushes/curves.


Can ANYONE tell me how to fix this, as I said earlier, it's very ugly and I'd like to be able to fix it and make it all look like one object.





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I dont think you quite understand, I can get the textures on the curves to look right, its just the textures on the surounding brushese dont look right, like their lighting is off, even in gtkradiant, here is a screenshot from inside radiant.


http://www27.brinkster.com/morphius2661/index.html (Brinkster wont let me link you directly to the image)



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here's another question before i have to goto school...


why since i updated to gtk ver. 11 (forgot the first few numbers) and i try to group things, IT WONT SELECT THE GROUPED ITEMS but yes it will say its a func_group, BAH, lol, anyways sorry for my outburst, im in a hurry, anyone know how to fix this?!



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Aha, OK. :)


In this case I have one idea only. In the editor it is OK they are different. But after compile... I saw this when I compiled my map with no -patchshadows in the light phase. The patches were more brighter than the other brushes. If I use -patchshadows then it's OK, they are looking the same.

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