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The Force IS NO with me!!!!


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Although I am probably going to regret saying this, but for the past couple weeks I have been messing around with some of the meshes in JK2. From to time I still get bugs in the meshes that I create through the conversion process, but I have made skins to a premade model that I can't view. I own the full version of the game, and I have downloaded all the current editing programs to do as such.... but for some reason I can't get them to work right!!! I don't want to sound like my village is calling because their idiot's missing.... but what the heck I am doing wrong here? Do I have my programs setup wrong?! If I do... what are the requirements to run the programs (even though I read the disclosure), and do I simply have setup wrong? Could someone help me?

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More information is required for a solution to follow.


What 'meshes' are you messing with, what are you doing with them after you mess with them, and are they in PK3's with the proper structure for the 'mesh' to work?


Player Models must be GLM (even this, I do not understand) miscellaneous models must be in MD3, or GLM - do you get any error messages in the console when you load up a map or something that has your modified file?

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