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Getting into the console


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Could do with some help please.


Have completed Jedi Outcast, and I`d like to know mess around with the cheats `n` stuff, but I can`t get into the console.


I`ve tried the SHIFT ~ thing, but it ain`t working.


Am I supposed to do somethin` in the game options first????


Any help here would be great!!!!!!!!!


Kick Ass!!!!!!!!


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Originally posted by Zero Tolerance

could some one please print the correct text input for message binding an soforth..i.e..../bind p jetpack..or what ever i think it is,not sure how i asign my quick message taunts an stuff,and print any other cool stuff that you can put in. thanks!!:) :)

You want to know how to bind speech to keys?

To bind a key, as you said, is bind <key> <command>

To bind speech, you simply put:

bind L "say Hello"

You don't need the quotes, but it makes it easier to read back over..

To speak to your team in team games, the command is team_say

So an example would be: bind p team_say "Protect the Flag!"


Hope this helps :)

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