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Hey all.. Just made my first server last night. Hopefully it is going to be 24/7. It is currently on right now as I am working @ work.. lol Wish there was a way I could play from here.. hehe.. But anyhoots. I downloaded the vulcanus admin mod 2.2 Any tips/secrets/ commands that I should know. I have on issue.. for some reason , the saber damage is like 3 or 5 x the normal amount. If someone has 100hp, ans 25hp, one blue stance lunge will kill them. While this makes the game really realistic, and a lot of ppl said.. OMG this server ROCKS!! Sometimes I would like the duels/ffa to last a little longer.


Thanks for the imput.



PS.. Name of Server is EmporerCrackHeads Server hehe that's me. :):deathstar :deathstar

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i ran vulcanis for a good while, there are many things you can do to improve the length of a good duel, note the 2 blocking vars g_sabertracesaberfirst and g_saberghoul2collision, each one of them effect the blocking during a game, try turning them on or off and see how you like it, the saberghoul2collision var will turn on or off the ghoul 2 system so i dont mess with that one, and the damage settings are changed with g_saberdamagescale, its values can be 1-4, 1 being normal 2 being double ect ect. my second server still runs vulcanis with triple damage, i think the effect you are looking for though would be best found with g_saberdamagescale 2 and g_sabertracesaberfirst 0, the damage wont be as high but nither will the blocking so ffa's will be fast and fun, but the duels should last a little longer give that a try

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I set the saber damage to 0 at one point, and the damage that is still inflicted on the receiving person is incredible!!! I am at a loss. A lot fo people like it.. some dont.. but I would like to be able to change it. Also is there a away that I can make some invincible.. (god) without turning on cheats?!?! there has been a couple time where I had a guy who would run up behind you and kill you while you were typing.. it just got annoying.. so I am interested in turning god mode on myself when i am typing.


but the whole saber damage thing is freaking my out!! lol

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Saber Damage Scale is in the main cfg. However, when using Vulcanis it has it's own damage variables that can be modified. What you need to do is check the adminmod.cfg file. Go down near the bottom and you'll see damage variables for all three stances, idle saber, and saber throw. Check these to see what they're set at.


Here are the defaults...


seta g_mSaberDMGIdle 1


seta g_mSaberDMGThrow 30

seta g_mSaberDMGThrowReturn 10


seta g_mSaberDMGRedNormalMin 2

seta g_mSaberDMGRedNormalMax 120

seta g_mSaberDMGRedDFAMin 2

seta g_mSaberDMGRedDFAMax 120

seta g_mSaberDMGRedBackMin 10

seta g_mSaberDMGRedBackMax 30


seta g_mSaberDMGYellowNormal 60

seta g_mSaberDMGYellowOverheadMin 2

seta g_mSaberDMGYellowOverheadMax 80

seta g_mSaberDMGYellowBackMin 10

seta g_mSaberDMGYellowBackMax 30


seta g_mSaberDMGBlueNormal 30

seta g_mSaberDMGBlueLungeMin 2

seta g_mSaberDMGBlueLungeMax 30

seta g_mSaberDMGBlueBackMin 10

seta g_mSaberDMGBlueBackMax 35


These variables are all at the VERY BOTTOM of the adminmod cfg and can be set to any damage you want. Sometimes when no one's on our server I amp the saber throw damage to 300 and gravity to 100. Server becomes lowgrav-instagib. Not very condusive to a CTF game as our server is set up for, but if 6 or 7 people are on and not really playing CTF this becomes a lot of fun. Especially when you turn friendly fire on! :D

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Actually as long as you have subadmin status you can make anyone "godlike" with vulcanis. It's called "empowerment". When empowered, a player has full levels of all force powers. That means level 3 on all neutral, light and dark powers. And force mana is near infanite. Its fun to run around mindtricked and grip someone of a ledge. Also empowered players can't be pushed or pulled. And they get double-bladed saber. However people get irritated quick with this and I would use it sparingly. Here's how you do it...


in console, type in subadmin login



then type


this will give you client numbers which are easier to use then typing in whole player names.


then all you have to do to empower someone is

/amempower <player number>

to un-empower them

/amunempower <player number>


other commands you can use (these should all be in the readme.html file contained in the original adminmod zip)

/amkick <player #> - kicks player off

/amslap <player #> - slaps player to the ground

/amsilence <player #> - shuts an abusive player up

/amunsilence <player #> - self-explanatory

/amsleep <player #> - puts player to sleep, can't do anything

/amwake <player #> - self-explanatory


read the readme for the rest

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