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Seeker Drone doesn't deploy


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I can't get the seeker drone to deploy. I've tried different bindings and confirmed them in jkconfig.cfg. They also won't deploy when I select them in the inventory and press the use key.


I've got 5 of the damn things now, and can't use any of them :(


Is there some trick to this?

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you say that you selected them in the inventory and then pressed the "use" key? i am assuming that you mean the key that is by default E or Ctrl....the key to use inventory stuff is by default "enter" and not the use key... or did you mean you pressed enter? if so, i don't know what to tell you.

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Well I bound the "E" key to the "Use" function, but setting it back to "Enter" doesn't help. Because I can't deploy the Seeker by either method, it must be a bug.


I finished the game now anyway, but I might need those little helpers if I'm to conquer "Jedi Knight" difficulty.

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