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Luke uses the Dark Side In ROTJ!!!


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It's hard to tell on Mute due to the men in the Gamorrean suits have large chubby hands, so you really can't tell what they're doing. :p


Plus; Luke did seem to care alot about his Friends, so when they all disappear to Jabba's hideout, he does begin to manipulate the force in an offensive, dark, manner.


[Jedi moment] Remember; The Force is neither good or bad, only the person can choose whether to project the lightside or darkside through their actions :p [/Jedi moment]

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you have to remember too, that luke never really received any 'formal' jedi training. ben taught him a little bit, then died ... same goes for little old yoda.


i don't think luke was ever taught that GRIP IS BAD ... he used what he knew at the time to his advantage. he needed to get in to jabba's palace, and this was most likely the easiest way.


and before you flame me, i KNOW that EU is not canon, but in the thrawn trilogy it is mentioned many times of luke's hesitation to use certain force powers ... he wasn't sure if they were LIGHT or DARK.

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Since so many seem to agree force powers is a concept that exist in the movies as well, how come he didn't have to extend his arm and form a grip? He just pointed at them.


Sorry but JK2 is not appliable to the movies in all cases. Like Clem said, force powers are just there so you can play the game. Otherwise you'd need a good ol textbased interface.


"Push the stormtroopers over the edge"

"With what?"


Got to love Kings Quest...

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It is not clear cut at all.


The Force allows a Jedi to do ALL of the powers and abailties we know of.


Some are blatently Dark Side, so Light Side, but many of them are neither. It does generally come down to the vain in whic they are used.


Lightning and Heal are the best way to show those that are of one path or the other:


Lightning requires you to focues upon all that you dislike, all that you hate, and expell those negative feelings and emotions from you in the form of pure negative energy. Jedi are capable of this this, but shy from it for fear of them unbalancing the Force.


Heal calls upon al of your compassion, love of life and respect for sentience. Sith dont have this.


It is when you get to mind skills and TK (Grip is TK, it is just a more finely honed part of that skill set):


Mind Skills - light or dark - neither. Semantics is a big part of the Force. Light or Dark. Distraction or Deception. Stealth or Decieving. Compromise or Co-ersion.

Is it Dark side to Grip someone by the leg to save them from a lethal plunge? Is it Light side to gentlely quieten someone during an important Council / Senate meeting?


TK can be usd to move boulders, but whether to rescue someone from rubble or crush someone tells whether the Dark Side is in use. But what if the person crushed was about to kill many people? Your actions were in defence, and so you were of the light side. But Dark Jedi can protect their own if they need to. Dark jedi can heal others.

They use their will to continue and crush their foes and get the injured to focus upon the same feelings to gain the strength to heal and continue, and so my above theory on Heal being light only fails.In the same vain, Lightning could be used by a clever Jedi to put a little electricity into an old unpowered system to get it to run. Is that dark side - not if the door is the only escape route for civilians caught in cross fire. You are putting your will for them to survive, your determination into the lightning burst.


Those of you who follow the New Jedi Order book series will be aware of the teachings of Vegere... Add that into the equation...


The Force is the most deep SF theory / invention / idea ever coinceived.

Why - it has nothing to do with magic. It is about human / sentient nature.

What more can you truley say of the Force... it is awesome in it's fundamentals, poetic in its execution and devastating in its perversion.

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