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AT-ST 's in Multiplayer?


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No, this is not in JKII multiplayer as far as I know. There are a few levels in the single player game tht u drive AT-ST's. REALLY SWEET! "Driving over the hills, blasting the bunker hideouts, reigning destruction, you know what I mean". I am only a 5 week player though and might be wrong. The AT-ST I would be cool in multiplayer.



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Read this: http://richdiesal.jedioutcastmaps.com/tutorials/gc102lsn5.html


Then if you still cant find how to then make a misc_model and for the key type "model" and for the value type "models\map_objects\imp_detention\atst.md3"


Do the same for any other things you want to add...pretty much its all in the tutorials at Rich Diesal's site: http://richdiesal.jedioutcastmaps.com/tutorials/index.html


note: You cant drive them in MP if that's what you meant...

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Skull - I've had the game since release (wish I bought collectors ed.) but I just won the single player and loved the at-st!


wudan - what's AOTC?


DISorder - thanks for the sight, it looks awesome, and for the path to the at-st model which is a good head start from having to make one :)


I would think that actually being able to get in and drive that model is going to be a different issue.

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