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That damn marsh


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I get on hte raft and follow the directions, i meet guybrush at the gate and than do as he says and then continue to follow the directions to petes house but as soon as i move anywhere i get sucked into a black hole thing and sent backl to the beginning of the marsh and have to start over again, i dont have any of the items in my itineray.....someone please help,,,,its driving me mad

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hmm, this doesn't seem like a problem with the game, although if it just sends you through the black hole without you meeting guybrush again (it should happen twice, once with you meeting the fututre guybrush, and once with you meeting the past one) then it probably is a problem. the olny thing i can recomend is starting a new game, or loading a saved game before that part. if this doesn't work, uninstall the game and then reinstall it. this will be very irritating, but this shoyuld work. if it doesn't, take the CD back to where you got it from and demand a new CD or a full refund.


but quite frankly, if you meet guybrush for the second time and it sucks you through the black hole whulst you're interacting with him, then you don't need to do any of that. is this the case, or is the the first thing?

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what it does is this! :) i meet guybrush i take the itmes he gives me, i open the gate and all that, i then follow the directions and as soon as i move off the screen i get sucked into the black hole! i then have to start at the beginning of the swamp again...but am i supposed to still have the items the other guybrush gave me? and when i do start at the beginning of the swamp again i follow the directions same as before but i dont get to give the guybrush anything! i have a walkthrough but this is proving unsuccessful! im well n truly stuck! icant follow the directions after meeting guybrush the first time so i dunno what on earth im doin!!! arrrgggghhhhhhhh

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in that case, it probably something wrong with the game (not the CD, the actual game) and this is not uncommon in this game (just beware of hte last but one chapter, most people get problems there first time round). my advice, just dot he stuff i said before, either load up a previously saved game and continue untill you get to there and see if you can get further, or start a new game. if this doesn't work, then refer to the troubleshooter as well as the online FAQ. if all doesn't work, send back teh CD and say somethings wrong with it so you can either get a refund or a replacement

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