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Dedicated server not showing up


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I've been busy for the last week with setting up a server for JK2. Well, so far so good. It works perfect in the LAN(adminmod, mapcycle, etc). But the problem is: It just won't show up in the master server list. I know this is a question which is asked a lot, but I still can't figure it out :rolleyes: . I've checked a lot of forums but still no luck.


It's set to dedicated 2, the ports are forwarded on the NAT router(edimax br6004+), runs on the standard port 28070, is sending heartbeats and it all appears too be fine, but it still won't show up.


Changed port number, mapped every port, changed port numbers like from 28070 to 28072 or something like that, even put it in the DMZ zone, has the 1.04 patch, ran it with a seperate dedicated server executable,....no luck at all. People can join though with putting the IP manually in favorites, and it works perfect then. I'm not using Jedirunner or something like that(even with it, it doesn't work). Manually configured the files.

Don't know what to do now, tried everything as far as I know.....


I hope someone has any suggestions or tips, they would be welcome :) .


Thnx in advance.....

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The specific UDP ports that Jedi Outcast uses are 28060, 28061, 28062, and 28070 through 28081 (inclusive.) These ports need to be opened in the Out-bound direction to join games. They will also need to be opened in the In-bound direction if you want players outside of your firewall to be able to join your dedicated or non-dedicated servers behind your firewall.
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