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Reflective floors/other surfaces


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any help on creating custom shaders? I've been modifying the shader it says to use in the tutorial, trying to use my custom texture to have the floor look like it, but I'm having a few problems... =)



What I'm trying to create is the look for the Kamino Cloning facilitiy hallway that overlooks the cloning facilities... the lighter part needs to be less reflective, and the darker part more... here is the text I have in the shader

qer_editorimage	textures/tests/qer_mirror.tga
surfaceparm	forcefield
       map textures/tests/qer_mirror2b
       map textures/kamino/kaminohallfloor
       blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_SRC_COLOR
       map textures/kejim/env_newfloor_kej
       blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
       rgbGen const ( 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000 )
       tcGen environment


is there something I need to do with a lightmap or something?

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Hey Skwirrley6, I also signed up for texture artist at AOTCTC. I'm kind of busy lateley so i haven't checked the forums yet.


Anyway, mirror floors are easy to do, but the mapper needs to help. You have to put an misc_portal_surface entity near the reflecting surface for it to actually mirror something. But keep in mind that the floor will really draw a mirror of the room surrounding it. Which means the Tri count will be double the amount of a non mirrored room.


Anyway, the shader code looks ok, but i can't really tell anything without the actual picture files you are using.


If you contact me at kal_el23@hotmail.com(MSN and/or Mail) i'll send you the mirror shader code i made for DoTF v2(but never released). It should still work with the map and it looks exactly like what you're trying to accomplish here.

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