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Battle of Hoth Scenario


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I have really had a tough time trying to win the battle of Hoth which is part of the Darth Vader campaign in the SW Galactic Battlegrounds. I get as far as being able to infiltrate Echo Base but I am never able to fully destroy it because the Rebel Alliance has so many troops that come at me at once and the program never gives me any reenforcements or enables me to create my own troops to destroy Echo Base.


Also in the 00M-9 campaign in the Theed scenario I capture the Theed palace but then it instructs me to build a Neimoidian throne but I cannot find that option. All I can find is a monumont and when I built that I was defeated.


Has anybody out there been able to win either one of these scenarios???????


Please help!!!!!!!!!

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the hoth mission can be a pain. i'm assuming you mean the end of the mission attacking the red rebels.

my advise is move fast and take out power cores first.

this way they can't make things as fast. Keep the anti air, troopers and strikes near the walkers. the troopers and strikes to counter the mounties, and the anti air to counter those damned air speeders.

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On the Theed scenario I did build the monument within the markers. I had to destroy the two fortresses on the sides first. However once I did it the voice of Knute Gunray came up and informed me that I lost. So how do I build a throne and not a monument???????? Note: this was part of the SWBG Clones campaign.

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