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Questions about doors


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I have a couple questions:


(1)In jk2radiant when you made a door and told it what way to open there would be an arrow pointing which direction it would open. In gtkradiant there is not. I prefer gtk over jk2, but is there any way in that, in gtk radiant, I can get that arrow or some other way for it to show me which way the door will open, I have troubles with the angles.


(2)Also I have a door in my map and would like it to open/close at the switch of a button. It says that the toggle key will do this, but i made the key: "toggle" and the value: "1" and also "yes" and neither have worked! Is this even possible?!



Also does anyone know where I can get some skybox tutorials? If there arent any or anyone knows how to, could you tell me?!

*end edit*



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