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Duel 'State' changements :)


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i am trying to modify 'a duel' in FFA


things i am trying to do :

set the 'duelers' hp and armor on duel start and duel end

disable force usage in duel (disable kick and jump)


im new to this , i mean i never coded other mods

ive been trought the "resourse" sticky thread (and links)

and cant seem to find any help, great thread btw


what functions should i check for this ? (to make changes)


does it have something to do with 'ps.duelInProgress'

maybe not ...ive been looking for a "DUELSTART" function

cant find it :(


thanks alot o greats one :)


edit :

ok i think im getting closer code\game\g_active.c near line 1100

getting warner ? :confused:

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ok i found the interesting part (the end part)



//Winner gets full health.. providing he's still alive

if (ent->health > 0 && ent->client->ps.stats[sTAT_HEALTH] > 0)


if (ent->health < ent->client->ps.stats[sTAT_MAX_HEALTH])


ent->client->ps.stats[sTAT_HEALTH] = ent->health = ent->client->ps.stats[sTAT_MAX_HEALTH];







can someone point me out about the armor alocating :)

(winner get 100 shields)


ent->client->ps.stats[sTAT_ARMOR] = ent->health = ent->client->ps.stats[sTAT_MAX_HEALTH];


something like that ?? (dosent really work)

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ive disabled the use of push while locking in a duel (in ffa)


qboolean WP_ForcePowerAvailable( gentity_t *self, forcePowers_t forcePower )


int drain = forcePowerNeeded[self->client->ps.fd.forcePowerLevel[forcePower]][forcePower];


if (self->client->ps.fd.forcePowersActive & (1 << forcePower))

{ //we're probably going to deactivate it..

return qtrue;



if ( forcePower == FP_LEVITATION )


return qtrue;


if ( !drain )


return qtrue;


if ( self->client->ps.fd.forcePower < drain )


return qfalse;


// disabling EVERY force power in a duel

// well i tought i did ....just push ..... y ? HELP ME PLZ :(

if (self->client->ps.duelInProgress)


return qfalse;



return qtrue;



i dont get it :(

jump is still available (i mean 'force' jump)

and kick also :p


plz help

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Don't look at WP_ForcePowerAvailable... go to bg_misc.c and look at qboolean BG_CanUseFPNow() - there's something to do with dueling there.


If I'm not mistaken in the section: (line 1313)


if (ps->saberLockFrame || ps->saberLockTime > time)
	if (power != FP_PUSH)
		return qfalse;


remove the "!" in "if (power != FP_PUSH) return qfalse;". That should make it work, although be warned that some of the changes that I've made to my source have caused very weird stuff to happen...

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thanks alot for the reply


for the book i think if i do so

i would have disabled push in any saber locking posibility

(ie : ffa , duel , etc)

if (ps->saberLockFrame || ps->saberLockTime > time)


if (power != FP_PUSH)


return qfalse;


if (ps->duelInProgress && power == FP_PUSH)


return qfalse;





i did edit the code in that section

my goal is to make 'nf duel' in a FF FFA :)


so just a liitle above your pointer :) (thanks again)

if (ps->duelInProgress)


//if (power != FP_SABERATTACK && power != FP_SABERDEFEND && /*power != FP_SABERTHROW &&*/power != FP_LEVITATION)


// if (!ps->saberLockFrame || power != FP_PUSH)

// {

// return qfalse;

// }


// no matter what no force in duel

return qfalse;



simple i though :rolleyes:

it did the job ...but lol

now the duelers are jumping like a milimiter high lol (lv0 jump i guess)


so i was wondering if u knew how set the force level of a client ?

the thing is i think ill have to stored it (to set it back at what is was before)


seeing a better aproach ?



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my goal is to make 'nf duel' in a FF FFA


so i was wondering if u knew how set the force level of a client ?



so its working now


except the faq that force jump is at level 0 while they duel

(hard to jump stairs)


so how can i limit the use for jump while a duel to lv1 ?


(client might b level2 , level3)

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The way you stated that, Commodus, it would probably actually change the player's force jump skill level. You don't want that. A better solution would be to limit Force Jump to level 1 inside the actual Force Jump function (I don't know what it's called at the moment). Probably something like....


if (self->client->ps.fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION] >= FORCE_LEVEL_1)
//Level 1 jump

if (self->client->ps.fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION] >= FORCE_LEVEL_2)
//Level 2 jump

if (self->client->ps.fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION] >= FORCE_LEVEL_3)
//Level 3 jump

To limit duelers to level 1 you'd change that to something like

if (self->client->ps.fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION] >= FORCE_LEVEL_1)
//Level 1 jump

if (self->client->ps.fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION] >= FORCE_LEVEL_2  && !ps->duelInProgress)
//Level 2 jump

if (self->client->ps.fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION] >= FORCE_LEVEL_3 && !ps->duelInProgress)

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