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Few Questions on Tricks


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I got a few questions on how to do tricks. The other day on a server I seen a guy like grinding on a ledge like he was skating..wondering how to do that. Another trick i want to know how to do is the sitdown then kicking ppl trick where your feet are pointed up kicking a guy until he dies. The last trick i wanna know is i seen a guy look like he was break dancing..like he was spinning on his shoulders..it was pretty cool Thanks to anyone who contributes into helping me out with these tricks.



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Ill try to answer your questions to the best of my ability...


1. grinding/skating on ledge


I think this is wall-walking. To do this, stand next to a flat vertical wall, hold forward, then tap jump+strafe left/right(depends on where the wall is; if the wall is to the left of you, tap jump+strafe left, if the wall is to the right of you, tap jump+strafe right). You should see your character kind of walk sideways on the wall.


2. sitting down then kicking ppl to death


I think you can only accomplish this in a mod, like jedimod, jeidplus, or adminmod. This is actually sort of a bug. There are special animations you can do in these mods, and if you are to close to another player and you do one of these special animations, you have a small chance of sort of "joining" with the other guy, sort of looks like you and the other player are clipping into each other. By then, you are stuck and cannot move. However, you can repeatly tap strafe left/right+jump to sort of kick the other player to death. The clipping makes it look like your feet are constantly in the air. Look wierd I tell you. :eek:


3. break dancing


pretty sure this has to do with yawspeed. Make your mouse sensitivity really high, and then just spin and move your mouse around in random directions. To another player observing you, it looks like you are "breakdancing". Dont know how to change the yawspeed though, so if someone could post it here that would be great.


Again, your kinda vague descriptions make it hard for me to be 100% sure that these are the right "tricks" you are talking about.


Hope that helped :D

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